So Qur'an A Soti |
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القرْان الكَريْــم |
Sūrah Al Ahzāb
- [ 33 So Manga Lompokan ] -
سـورة الأحـزاب ( The Combined Forces - Ang Mga Nagtulung-tulong Na Grupo ) |
Pangnal ko SūrahGiai so bandingan ko manga lompokan (al Ahzāb) a miakadansal sa Madīnah ko sangaran iyan a gobat sa pantag sa kaphonasa iran ko phagingd a Islām a gopn pphagoyaga sa balintad a Madīnah, rarad anan o kiapamagogopa o manga lompokan a ridoay o Islām a mapapayag ko manga Quraysh a pzimba sa barahala, so lompokan o manga Yahūdī (Banū an Nadhīr) a biogaw siran sa Madīnah sabap ko kadodonsian iran, so Gatafān a isa kaloks ko manga Arab sa lomang, ago so lompokan o Yahūdī a Banū Qaynuqā’ a mababaling siran sa Madīnah. Minsan pn makabankit so ronda iran ko manga Muslim, na sabap ko kabagr o paratiaya iran na tiabangan siran o Allāh sa miakambalingan so gomogobat a ronda a kakaporan iyan bo. So Quraysh a mala a ridoay o Islām na inosar iyan so langowan a gaga niyan a pamikiran, galbk, tamok, ago sandiata sa karna niyan ko solapay o Islam sa kaphlabasa niyan ko manga taw sa Makkah, sa riningasa iran so manga Muslim a miakatonay sa kiapakatkas iran sa lopa a Habashah (Abyssinia) ago so kiatogalin sa Madīnah. So paganay a kathmo a sandiata ko lt iran ago so manga Muslim na minitana sii sa Badr ko Ramadhān a ragon a ika dowa ko Hijrah. Na diaag so ronda o Quraysh, na sii ko somiambi a ragon ko Shawwāl a ika tlo ragon ko Hijrah, na miakaoma siran ko kazaop iran ko kiatabana kiran sa Badr, na minitana so kiathidawa sa balintad a Uhud, na minsan pn kialaadan so manga Muslim ko kiathidawa ogaid na miatatap a Madīnah a malilinding, sa miakambalingan so Quraysh sa di mapipia a ginawa niyan. Oriyan oto na inphoonan iran so mala a kiakhonsikonsi ago kiathatabanga sa kaphagisaisa iran ko kanggobata iran ko manga Muslim sa Madīnah, sa miatimo iran so ronda a manga 10,000 a sondaro ko olanolan a Shawwāl ago Dul Qa’dah a ika lima ragon ko Hijrah. Sa gianan so garobat o lompokan a miaaloy ko ayat a: 33:9-27, a lomiagaday ko tnday o miakadowa ka pito gawii, adn a tindg a miaka 27 gawii, sa madakl a miaromasay sankoto a kiathidawa sa kiaosara ko manga pana ago so pd a okit ko kathidawa sa kasoldi ran sa Madīnah, na mianinggaposan ko kiaola ankoto a ronda a gomogobat sa miakakasoy siran sa kalapis, na so Islam na miamagoman sa kabagr ko kiapangrn iyan sa sangaran a komiling. Aya isa a piakammsa a da sa itongan o gomogobat na so kiaomaa iran ko mala a kakar a inikhota o manga Muslim sa Madīnah, a minggolalan oto sa mosawir o Salmān al Fārisī, gioto i sabap a giankoto a kiathidawa na phagilanoan iran sa kathidawa sa kakar (al khandaq) sabap sankoto a inikhota a kakar o manga Muslim sa Madīnah. Pd a kissnggay ankai a Sūrah na so kiazabandinga niyan ko kapapaliharaa ko manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa kapagadatan siran ko gii kiran kindolonaan ago siapn so manga darpa iran sa di siran maringasa ko apia antonaa a okit, ago giankanan a bitikan na lankap ko langowan a babay a Muslimah a patot a kabgan sa mala a siap ko kaphagingd a Islam. Miakilala a so manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na mala a minidawag iran a romasay ko kapphakabkna ko onayan o Islām a paganay sii sa Madīnah. Go miakilala so sabaad kiran ko kiapromasay sa pantag sa sakodo ko kaphagingd a datar o dowa kataw a Zaynab a manga karoma o Rasūl a miakilala siran ko kirorokotn sa masakit ko btad o manga miskin, taman sa minigrar ko isa on so Ina o manga Miskin (Ummul Masākīn) sabap ko sambatan iyan a mala ko btad iran. Datar oto mambo so manga babay a Muslimah a miakapangpd siran ko romasay ko jihād sa gii ran kapamolongi ko pphangaaangl a manga mujāhidīn ago adn kiran pn so somimpang sa maydan ago somiosaw sa rogo’ sa pantag ko kapakatindg o Bnar a datar o Bai a Nusaybah. So Fātimah az Zahrā' a wata a babay o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na skaniyan dn i mala a pasbal ko kiapamolongi ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ko kiaangl iyan ko kiathidawa sa Uhud ago so sabagi a Muslim a miangaaangl sankoto a kiathidawa. So Bai a Rufaydah na skaniyan i miakapanizakit ko Sa’d Bin Muād gowani a maangl sankoto a kiathidawa sa Ahzāb. Go so kiagobata sa Khaybar ko ragon a ika pito na adn a manga Muslimah a manga babay a miakaonot siran sa pantag sa kapamolong a kapanizakit. So sabagi sankai a Sūrah na pizabanding iyan so manga ndao a mala ko kiathidawa sa kakar (khandaq), na so sabagi on na initoron ko oriyan o kiathidawa ko Shawwāl a ika lima ko Hijrah. So kiapangaromaa o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ko Zaynab na miabanding ko ayat a 37, ago minitana san- koto a ragon. So sabaad ko manga ayat na sii initoron ko ragon a ika pito ko oriyan o kiagobat sa Khaybar. So Pamotosan iyan: So atoran o manga Arab ko giikandodolona a kamamanosiyai na patoray a ganatan, sa pakandodn so giikandodolana a kamamanosiyai ko pakaasal iyan a waraan a inidolon o Islām (33:1-8). So manga ndao a piakambowat o kiathidawa sa Ahzāb, so btad o manga monafiq ko kiasawai ko pagns iran na pananggilaan, ago so btad o paratiaya a thito na aya patot a onotan (33: 9-27). Siapn so pankatan o manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago slaan siran ko manga pankatan iran, so btad o Zaynab ago so miabanding on a awid a akal ko kiapangaromaa on na patot a di pakablangn sa pantag sa kaadn o pitna ko manga Muslim (33:28-52). Pagadatan so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago so pamiliya niyan, sa lindingn siran ko manga rarata a panganta a pphakalankapn o manga donsian (monafiq) sa inggolalan so atastanggongan sa tonayin sa mapia (33:58-73). Giankai a Sūrah na initoron sa Madīnah a aya ayat iyan na 73, initoron ko oriyan o Sūrah Āli Imrān. بِســمِ اللهِ الرَّ حْـمَنِ الرَّحِيـــمِ
Sii sa Ingaran o Allah a Makalimoon a Masalinggagawn.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Sa Ngalan ng Allâh, ang Pinakamahabagin, ang Napakamaawain at Ganap na Mapagmahal
![]() 33.1Hassanor Alapa : Hay so Nabī kalkn ka so Allāh, go oba nka onoti so manga kafir ago so manga monafiq, mataan a so Allāh na Matao a Maongangn Muhsin Khan : O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Keep your duty to Allah, and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites (i.e., do not follow their advices). Verily! Allah is Ever AllKnower, AllWise. Sahih International : O Prophet, fear Allah and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise. Pickthall : O Prophet! Keep thy duty to Allah and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Lo! Allah is Knower, Wise. Yusuf Ali : O Prophet! Fear Allah, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom. Shakir : O Prophet! be careful of (your duty to) Allah and do not comply with (the wishes of) the unbelievers and the hypocrites; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise; Dr. Ghali : O you Prophet, be pious to Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites; surely Allah as been Ever-Knowing, Ever-Wise. Tafsir Jalalayn : O Prophet! Fear God, remain in fear of Him, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, [and so follow them] in what contravenes your Law. Truly God is Knower, of what will happens before it happens, Wise, in what He creates. Tagalog : O Propeta! Panatilihin mo ang iyong sarili sa pagkatakot sa Allâh sa pamamagitan ng pagsagawa ng Kanyang ipinag-uutos at pag-iwas sa Kanyang ipinagbabawal, at nararapat na sumunod sa iyo ang mga mananampalataya; dahil higit na sila ang nangangailangan nito kaysa sa iyo, at huwag mong sundin ang mga walang pananampalataya at ang mga mapag-kunwari. Katiyakan, ang Allâh ay ‘`Aleem’ – Ganap na Nakaaalam sa lahat ng bagay, na ‘Hakeem’ – Ganap na Maalam sa Kanyang nilikha, pag-aatas at pangangasiwa. ![]() 33.2Hassanor Alapa : Go onot inka so nganin a iphagwahi rka a phoon ko Kadnan ka mataan a so Allāh na miaadn ko nganin a gii niyo nggalbkn a Gomgpa Muhsin Khan : And follow that which is inspired in you from your Lord. Verily, Allah is WellAcquainted with what you do. Sahih International : And follow that which is revealed to you from your Lord. Indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted. Pickthall : And follow that which is inspired in thee from thy Lord. Lo! Allah is Aware of what ye do. Yusuf Ali : But follow that which comes to thee by inspiration from thy Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. Shakir : And follow what is revealed to you from your Lord; surely Allah is Aware of what you do; Dr. Ghali : And closely follow what is revealed to you (i.e., the Prophet) from your Lord; surely Allah has been Ever-Cognizant of whatever you (i.e., mankind the pronoum is plural) do. Tafsir Jalalayn : And follow what is revealed to you from your Lord, namely, the Qur’ān. Truly God is Aware of what you do (ta‘malūna; a variant reading has ya‘malūna, ‘[what] they do’). Tagalog : At sundin mo ang anumang ipinahayag sa iyo, mula sa Allâh na iyong ‘Rabb’ na Tagapaglikha, na Qur’ân at ‘Sunnah,’ katiyakan, ang Allâh ay ‘Khabeer’ – Ganap ang Kanyang Kagalingan na Tagapagmasid sa lahat ng inyong ginagawa at kayo ay tutumbasan ayon dito, na walang anumang naililihim sa Kanya. ![]() 33.3Hassanor Alapa : Go zarakan ka ko Allāh ka khasanaan so Allāh a Sasarigan Muhsin Khan : And put your trust in Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Wakil (Trustee, or Disposer of affairs). Sahih International : And rely upon Allah ; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs. Pickthall : And put thy trust in Allah, for Allah is sufficient as Trustee. Yusuf Ali : And put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs. Shakir : And rely on Allah; and Allah is sufficient for a Protector. Dr. Ghali : And put your full trust in Allah; and Allah suffices as an Ever-Trusted Trustee. Tafsir Jalalayn : And put your trust in God, regarding this affair of yours; and God suffices as Guardian, to preserve you. And [the members of] his [the Prophet’s] community are subject to the same [admonitions] in all of the above. Tagalog : At magtiwala ka sa Allâh at ipaubaya mo ang lahat ng bagay sa Kanya, at sapat na Siya bilang Tagapangalaga ng sinumanang nagtiwala at nagbalik-loob sa Kanya. ![]() 33.4Hassanor Alapa : Da a inadn o Allāh a rk a sakataw a mama a dowa a poso ko lawas iyan, go da Niyan adna so manga karoma niyo a so pliharn iyo siran 1168 i ba niyo siran manga ina, go da Niyan adna so manga (wata) a pimbabawata iyo i ba niyo 1169 manga wata, gioto na katharo iyo ko manga ngari iyo, na so Allāh i ptharo ko bnar ago Skaniyan i pthoro ko lalan. Muhsin Khan : Allah has not put for any man two hearts inside his body. Neither has He made your wives whom you declare to be like your mothers' backs, your real mothers. [AzZihar is the saying of a husband to his wife, "You are to me like the back of my mother" i.e. You are unlawful for me to approach.], nor has He made your adopted sons your real sons. That is but your saying with your mouths. But Allah says the truth, and He guides to the (Right) Way. Sahih International : Allah has not made for a man two hearts in his interior. And He has not made your wives whom you declare unlawful your mothers. And he has not made your adopted sons your [true] sons. That is [merely] your saying by your mouths, but Allah says the truth, and He guides to the [right] way. Pickthall : Allah hath not assigned unto any man two hearts within his body, nor hath He made your wives whom ye declare (to be your mothers) your mothers, nor hath He made those whom ye claim (to be your sons) your sons. This is but a saying of your mouths. But Allah saith the truth and He showeth the way. Yusuf Ali : Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way. Shakir : Allah has not made for any man two hearts within him; nor has He made your wives whose backs you liken to the backs of your mothers as your mothers, nor has He made those whom you assert to be your sons your real sons; these are the words of your mouths; and Allah speaks the truth and He guides to the way. Dr. Ghali : In no way has Allah made to any man two hearts within the hollow (of his breast); and in no way has He made your spouses whom you (declare) as your mother's back (i.e., divorce by Dhihar, a pre-Islamic form of divorc) (truly) your mothers; and in no way has He made your adopted sons your sons (in fact). That (Literally: temptation; i.e., if the hypocrites had been asked to apostatize from Islam) is your saying, (the words) of your mouths; and Allah says the Truth, and He guides on the way. Tafsir Jalalayn : God has not placed two hearts inside any man: [this was revealed] in order to refute those disbelievers who said that they each had two hearts with which they could reason better than Muhammad’s single mind; nor has He made your wives whom (read as allā’ī, or allā’) you repudiate by zihār (read tazzahharūna, or tuzāhirūna; the original tā’ [of tatazāharūna] has been assimilated with the zā’) — a man would say to his wife for example, ‘You are for me as [untouchable as] my mother’s back’ — your mothers, in other words, [He has not made you wives] like [your] mothers, so that they are illicit [for conjugality] in that respect, [a practice] which in pre-Islamic times was considered a [valid form of] divorce. An atonement with [necessary] conditions is necessary in such a case, as mentioned in sūrat al-Mujādila [Q. 58:2-3]. Nor has He made those whom you claim as [adopted] sons (ad‘iyā’, the plural of da‘iyy, which is one claimed as the son of one who is not his [biological] father) your sons, in reality. That is a mere utterance of your mouths, namely, [of] the Jews and the hypocrites. When the Prophet (s) married Zaynab bt. Jahsh, who had been Zayd b. Hāritha’s wife, the adopted son of the Prophet (s), they said, ‘Muhammad married his son’s wife!’, and so God proved them liars in this. But God speaks the truth, in this [matter], and He guides to the way, the way of truth. Tagalog : Hindi ginawan ng Allâh ang sinumang tao ng dalawang puso sa kanyang dibdib, at hindi rin ginawa ng Allâh ang inyong mga asawa na kapag ayaw na ninyo sa kanila ay sasabihin ninyong sila ay katulad ng likuran ng inyong mga ina, na ipinagbabawal sa inyo na tulad ng pagbabawal sa inyo sa mga sarili ninyong ina – ang ‘Zihar’ ay sasabihin ng lalaki sa kanyang asawa: ikaw para sa akin ay katulad ng likuran ng aking ina at ito ay isang uri ng ‘diborsiyo’ o paghihiwalay sa kapanahunan ng kamangmangan, na kung kaya, nilinaw ng Allâh na ang asawang babae ay hindi kailanman maaaring maging katulad ng sarili niyang ina sa anumang kaparaanan, at hindi ginawa ng Allâh ang inyong mga inampon na anak na lalaki na ituring ninyong mga tunay na anak sa batas ng Islâm, sa halip ang ‘Zihar’ at ang pag-aampon ay hindi nagpapatunay ng pagbabawal sa pag-aasawa, na kung kaya, hindi magiging katulad ng ina sa pagbabawal sa pag-aasawa ang asawa na inihambing sa likuran ng ina, at hindi rin pinagtitibay ng pag-aampon na pagiging mag-amang tunay na katulad ng sinasabi ng taong nag-aampon: Ito ay anak ko, dahil ito ay salita lamang sa bibig na wala sa katotohanan, na kung kaya, hindi dapat na susundin, at ang Allâh ay nagsasabi ng katotohanan at nililinaw Niya sa Kanyang mga alipin ang Kanyang Daan at ginagabayan Niya sila tungo sa Matuwid na Landas. ![]() 33.5Hassanor Alapa : Tawagn iyo kiran so manga ama iran 1170 ka skaniyan i lbi a kaontol ko Allāh, na amay ka di niyo katawan so manga ama iran na (tawaga niyo siran) a manga pagari niyo sii ko agama, ago manga tabanga iyo, daa dosa niyo ko nganin a miaribat kano ron, ogaid (na ana dosa) niyo ko pimbaba o manga poso’ iyo, go miaadn so Allāh a Paririla a Masalinggagawn Muhsin Khan : Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah. But if you know not their father's (names, call them) your brothers in faith and Mawalikum (your freed slaves). And there is no sin on you if you make a mistake therein, except in regard to what your hearts deliberately intend. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful. Sahih International : Call them by [the names of] their fathers; it is more just in the sight of Allah . But if you do not know their fathers - then they are [still] your brothers in religion and those entrusted to you. And there is no blame upon you for that in which you have erred but [only for] what your hearts intended. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. Pickthall : Proclaim their real parentage. That will be more equitable in the sight of Allah. And if ye know not their fathers, then (they are) your brethren in the faith, and your clients. And there is no sin for you in the mistakes that ye make unintentionally, but what your hearts purpose (that will be a sin for you). Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Yusuf Ali : Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if ye know not their father's (names, call them) your Brothers in faith, or your maulas. But there is no blame on you if ye make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts: and Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful. Shakir : Assert their relationship to their fathers; this is more equitable with Allah; but if you do not know their fathers, then they are your brethren in faith and your friends; and there is no blame on you concerning that in which you made a mistake, but (concerning) that which your hearts do purposely (blame may rest on you), and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Dr. Ghali : Call them after their (true) fathers; (that) is more equitable in the Reckoning with Allah. Yet, in case you do not know their fathers, then they are your brothers in the religion, and your patronized (ones); and it is no fault in you in whatever mistakes you make, but (only) what your hearts premeditate. And Allah has been Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Tafsir Jalalayn : Instead, attribute them to their [true] fathers. That is more equitable, [that is] more just, in the sight of God. If you do not know their [true] fathers, then they are your brethren in religion and [as] your associates. And you would not be at fault for any mistake you make, in this respect, except, in, what your hearts may premeditate, after the prohibition [has been issued]. And God is Forgiving, of whatever you said before the prohibition [was issued], Merciful, to you in this respect. Tagalog : Tawagin ninyo ang inyong mga inampon sa pangalan ng kanilang ama, at ito ay mas makatarungan at matuwid sa paningin ng Allâh, at kapag hindi ninyo kilala ang kanilang mga tunay na ama ay tawagin ninyo sila bilang mga kapatid sa Islâm na kung saan dito kayo nagkaisa dahil sila ay kapatid ninyo sa ‘Deen’ at katulad ng inyong pinalayang alipin, at wala kayong kasalanan sa anumang nagawa ninyong pagkakamali kung ito ay hindi ninyo sinasadya, pinarurusahan lamang kayo sa mga bagay na inyong sinasadyang gawin. At ang Allâh ay ‘Ghafour’ – Ganap na Mapagpatawad sa sinumang nagkamali, na ‘Raheem’ – Napakamaawain at Ganap na Mapagmahal sa sinumang nagsisi sa kanyang kasalanan. ![]() 33.6Hassanor Alapa : So Nabī na taralbi ko miama-ratiaya a di so manga ginawa 1171 iran ago so manga karoma niyan na manga ina iran, go so thotonganaya na so sabaad kiran na taralbi (ko parail) a di so sabaad sii ko kitab o Allāh, a di so miamaratiaya ago so manga Muhajirin inonta bo o adn a nggalbkn (ibgay) niyo sii ko manga salinggogopa iyo a mapia, a miaadn oto ko kitab a misosorat Muhsin Khan : The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers') mothers (as regards respect and marriage). And blood relations among each other have closer personal ties in the Decree of Allah (regarding inheritance) than (the brotherhood of) the believers and the Muhajirun (emigrants from Makkah, etc.), except that you do kindness to those brothers (when the Prophet SAW joined them in brotherhood ties). This has been written in the (Allah's Book of Divine) Decrees (AlLauh AlMahfuz)." Sahih International : The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves, and his wives are [in the position of] their mothers. And those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of Allah than the [other] believers and the emigrants, except that you may do to your close associates a kindness [through bequest]. That was in the Book inscribed. Pickthall : The Prophet is closer to the believers than their selves, and his wives are (as) their mothers. And the owners of kinship are closer one to another in the ordinance of Allah than (other) believers and the fugitives (who fled from Mecca), except that ye should do kindness to your friends. This is written in the Book (of nature). Yusuf Ali : The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah. Than (the Brotherhood of) Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your closest friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah). Shakir : The Prophet has a greater claim on the faithful than they have on themselves, and his wives are (as) their mothers; and the possessors of relationship have the better claim in the ordinance of Allah to inheritance, one with respect to another, than (other) believers, and (than) those who have fled (their homes), except that you do some good to your friends; this is written in the Book. Dr. Ghali : The Prophet is (worthier of) patronizing (i.e., mankind the pronoun is plural) the believers than their selves, and his spouses are their mothers; and those related by blood (Literally: related by (brith) wombs; endowed with near kinship) are worthier of patronizing one another (Literally: some of them patronizing some (others) in the Book of Allah than the believers and the emigrants, except that you should perform a beneficent act to your patronized (relatives). That has been inscribed in the Book. Tafsir Jalalayn : The Prophet is closer to the believers than their [own] souls, in terms of what he calls them to and what their own souls have called them to contravene, and his wives are their mothers, insofar as they [the believers] are forbidden to marry them. And those related by blood, kinsmen, are more entitled, to inherit [from], one another in the Book of God than the [other] believers and the Emigrants, in other words, than inheriting on account of [their sharing] faith and the Emigration, which had been the case at the beginning of Islam but was then abrogated; barring any favour you may do your friends, by [making] a bequest, which is permissible. This, namely, the abrogation of inheritance on account of [shared] faith and Emigration by the inheritance on account of kinship, is written in the Book — in both instances al-kitāb, ‘the Book’, denotes the Preserved Tablet (al-lawh al-mahfūz). Tagalog : Ang Propeta Muhammad ay mas malapit sa mga mananampalataya kaysa sa kanilang mga sarili sa anumang bagay na hinggil sa Deen (o Relihiyon) o makamundo man, at ang pagbabawal na mapangasawa ang mga asawa ng Propeta na sinuman mula sa kanyang sambayanan sapagka’t sila ay tulad ng kanilang mga sariling ina, na kung kaya, hindi maaaring pakasalan ang mga asawa ng Sugo ng Allâh pagkatapos niya silang mapangasawa. At ang magkakamag-anak na mga Muslim ang mas may karapatan sa isa’t-isa sa pagmamana ayon sa batas ng Allâh kaysa kapatid sa pananampalataya o sa nangibang-bayan – dahil ang mga Muslim sa unang pagkakataon noon ay nagmamanahan sila sa isa’t isa sa kanilang mga yaman dahil sa pangingibang-bayan o pananampalataya at hindi dahil sa kanilang relasyong magkakamag-anak, pagkatapos ay pinawalang-bisa ito sa pamamagitan ng pagkakapahayag ng talata ng Banal ng Qur’ân hinggil sa pagmamana – maliban na lamang kung gumagawa kayo,
![]() 33.7Hassanor Alapa : Go gowani a kowaan Ami ko manga Nabī so kapasadan iran ago sii rka ago sii ko Nūh, ago so Ibrāhīm ago so Mūsā ago so Īsā a wata a mama o Maryam ago kominowa Kami kiran sa kapasadan a mapnd Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from you (O Muhammad SAW), and from Nuh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), and 'Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). We took from them a strong covenant. Sahih International : And [mention, O Muhammad], when We took from the prophets their covenant and from you and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus, the son of Mary; and We took from them a solemn covenant. Pickthall : And when We exacted a covenant from the prophets, and from thee (O Muhammad) and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus son of Mary. We took from them a solemn covenant; Yusuf Ali : And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant: Shakir : And when We made a covenant with the prophets and with you, and with Nuh and Ibrahim and Musa and Isa, son of Marium, and We made with them a strong covenant Dr. Ghali : And as We took from the Prophets their Compact and from you and from Nuh, and Ibrahim, and Musa, and Isa son of Maryam. (Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus of Mary respectively) And We took from them a solemn compact. Tafsir Jalalayn : And, mention, when We took a pledge from the prophets, at the point when they were brought forth from the loins of Adam, the size of atoms, and from you, and from Noah and Abraham and Moses and Jesus son of Mary, that they worship [only] God and call others to worship Him (the mention of the five [names] is an instance of supplementing the specific to the general). And We took from them a solemn pledge, a solid [one], that they fulfil what they have been charged with, and this was [effected] by [swearing] an oath to God, after which the pledge was consummated; Tagalog : At alalahanin mo, O Muhammad, noong gumawa Kami ng Kasunduan sa mga Propeta na pagpaparating ng mensahe, at gumawa rin Kami ng Kasunduan sa iyo, kay Nûh (as), kay Ibrâhim (as), kay Mousâ (as) at kay `Îsã Ibn Maryam (as), at gumawa Kami sa inyo ng matibay na kasunduan, na ipararating ang mensahe at ipatutupad ang ipinagkatiwala, at nang sa gayon ay patutunayan ninyo ang isa’t isa. ![]() 33.8Hassanor Alapa : Ka an Iyan kaizai so manga mangingimbnar ko kapangingimbnar iran ago miagtad ko manga kafir sa siksa a masakit. Muhsin Khan : That He may ask the truthfuls (Allah's Messengers and His Prophets) about their truth (i.e. the conveyance of Allah's Message that which they were charged with). And He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful torment (Hell-fire). Sahih International : That He may question the truthful about their truth. And He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful punishment. Pickthall : That He may ask the loyal of their loyalty. And He hath prepared a painful doom for the unfaithful. Yusuf Ali : That (Allah) may question the (custodians) of Truth concerning the Truth they (were charged with): And He has prepared for the Unbelievers a grievous Penalty. Shakir : That He may question the truthful of their truth, and He has prepared for the unbelievers a painful punishment. Dr. Ghali : That He might ask the sincere of their sincerity; and He has prepared for the disbelievers a painful torment. Tafsir Jalalayn : that He, God, may question the truthful about their truthfulness, in delivering the Message, as a way thereby to [justifiably] reproach the disbelievers; and He, exalted be He, has prepared for those who disbelieve, in them, a painful chastisement (‘adhāban alīman is a supplement to akhadhnā, ‘We took’). Tagalog : (Isinagawa ng Allâh ang pangako na yaon sa kanila na mga Sugo) upang tanungin ang mga Sugo kung paano nila tinugunan ang mga katanungan ng kanilang mga sambayanan, nang sa gayon ay pagkalooban ng gantimpalang ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin) ang mga mananampalataya, at inihanda Namin sa mga walang pananampalataya sa Araw ng Muling Pagkabuhay ang matinding kaparusahan sa Impiyernong-Apoy. ![]() 33.9Hassanor Alapa : Hay so miamaratiaya tadmi niyo so limo o Allāh rkano gowani a masangaran kano a sondaro, na siogoan Ami 1172 siran sa mabagr a ndo’ ago manga sondaro a da niyo mailay (so manga malāikat) go miaadn so Allāh ko nganin a gii niyo nggalbkn a Tomitikay Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! Remember Allah's Favour to you, when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a wind and forces that you saw not [i.e. troops of angels during the battle of AlAhzab (the Confederates)]. And Allah is Ever AllSeer of what you do. Sahih International : O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you when armies came to [attack] you and We sent upon them a wind and armies [of angels] you did not see. And ever is Allah , of what you do, Seeing. Pickthall : O ye who believe! Remember Allah's favour unto you when there came against you hosts, and We sent against them a great wind and hosts ye could not see. And Allah is ever Seer of what ye do. Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, (bestowed) on you, when there came down on you hosts (to overwhelm you): But We sent against them a hurricane and forces that ye saw not: but Allah sees (clearly) all that ye do. Shakir : O you who believe! call to mind the favor of Allah to you when there came down upon you hosts, so We sent against them a strong wind and hosts, that you saw not, and Allah is Seeing what you do. Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, remember the favor of Allah upon you as hosts came against you; then We sent against them a wind and hosts you did not see; and Allah has been Ever-Beholding whatever you do. Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe! Remember God’s favour to you when hosts, of disbelievers, came against you, as confederates, at the time the Ditch (al-khandaq) was being dug, and We unleashed against them a [great] wind and hosts, of angels, you did not see. And God is ever Seer of what you do (read ta‘malūna to imply ‘in the way of [your] digging of the ditch’; or read ya‘malūna, ‘[of what] they do’, to imply ‘the idolaters’ forming of a confederation’). Tagalog : O kayong mga mananampalataya! Alalahanin ninyo ang biyaya ng Allâh na ipinagkaloob sa inyo sa Madinah sa araw ng labanan sa mga ‘Ahzâb’ – na ito ay labanan sa ‘Khandaq’ – noong nagsama-sama laban sa inyo ang mga walang pananampalataya mula sa labas ng Madinah, mga Hudyo at mga Mapagkunwari na taga-Madinah at sa mga karatig-pook sa Madinah, at napalibutan nila kayo, na kung kaya, nagpadala Kami sa mga grupong yaon ng matinding hangin na tinanggal ang kanilang mga tolda at naitapon ang kanilang mga dala-dalahan, at nagpadala pa Kami ng mga anghel mula sa kalangitan na hindi ninyo nakita, na kung kaya, nagkaroon ng matinding takot ang kanilang mga puso. At ang Allâh ay ‘Baseer’ – Ganap na Nakakikita sa inyong ginagawa at walang anumang naililihim sa Kanya. ![]() 33.10Hassanor Alapa : Gowani a maoma kano iran ko kaporoan iyo ago sii ko kababaan iyo, go gowani a masambolayang so manga kailay (niyo sa kalk) ago minisampay so manga poso’ ko manga bakrng sa makap-phamikir kano ko Allāh sa manga antaan a pamikiran Muhsin Khan : When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes grew wild and the hearts reached to the throats, and you were harbouring doubts about Allah. Sahih International : [Remember] when they came at you from above you and from below you, and when eyes shifted [in fear], and hearts reached the throats and you assumed about Allah [various] assumptions. Pickthall : When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when eyes grew wild and hearts reached to the throats, and ye were imagining vain thoughts concerning Allah. Yusuf Ali : Behold! they came on you from above you and from below you, and behold, the eyes became dim and the hearts gaped up to the throats, and ye imagined various (vain) thoughts about Allah! Shakir : When they came upon you from above you and from below you, and when the eyes turned dull, and the hearts rose up to the throats, and you began to think diverse thoughts of Allah. Dr. Ghali : As they came against you from above you and from below you, and as beholdings swerved and hearts reached to the larynxes; and you surmised vain surmises about Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : When they came at you from above you and from below you, in other words, from the higher side of the valley and from its lower side, from the east and from the west, and when the eyes turned away [in fear], from everything, to [gaze at] their enemies [approaching] from every side, and the hearts lept to the throats (hanājir, the plural of hunjura, which lies at the bottom of the gullet) out of intense fear, while you entertained all sorts of, different, thoughts concerning God, [some] of assistance, some of despair; Tagalog : Alalahanin ninyo noong sila ay dumating sa inyo mula sa itaas ninyo na nagmula sa taas ng lambak sa gawing silangan, at mula sa ibaba naman ninyo na nagmula sa ibaba ng lambak sa gawing kanluran, at sa panahong yaon ay dilat na dilat ang inyong mga mata dahil sa tindi ng pagkalito at pagkagulat, at ang inyong mga puso ay umabot sa inyong mga lalamunan sa tindi ng inyong takot, at nangibabaw ang kawalan ng pag-asa sa mga mapagkunwari at dumami ang mga sabi-sabi at nag-isip na kayo ng masama laban sa Allâh na hindi na Niya kayo tutulungan at hindi na mangingibabaw ang Kanyang batas. ![]() 33.11Hassanor Alapa : Roo dn na tinioba so miamaratiaya ago lininog siran sa samporna a kalinog Muhsin Khan : There, the believers were tried and shaken with a mighty shaking. Sahih International : There the believers were tested and shaken with a severe shaking. Pickthall : There were the believers sorely tried, and shaken with a mighty shock. Yusuf Ali : In that situation were the Believers tried: they were shaken as by a tremendous shaking. Shakir : There the believers were tried and they were shaken with severe shaking. Dr. Ghali : Thereover were the believers tried, and were made to quake with a severe earthquake. Tafsir Jalalayn : it was there that the believers were [sorely] tried, [there] they were tested, to distinguish the sincere individual from the one otherwise, and were shaken with a mighty shock, because of the severity of the terror. Tagalog : Dito sa matinding pangyayaring ito ay sinubok ang paniniwala ng mga mananampalataya at sinala ang mga tao, at inihiwalay ang mga mananampalataya sa mapagkunwari, at nanginig sila nang matinding panginginig dahil sa takot at kaba; upang mapatunayan ang paniniwala nila at maragdagan ang kanilang katiyakan. ![]() 33.12Hassanor Alapa : Go gowani a giitharoon o manga monafiq ago so siran 1173 oto a adn ko manga poso’ iran a sakit a daa inithalad rkitano a Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan a rowar sa ikmat a akal. Muhsin Khan : And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease (of doubts) said: "Allah and His Messenger (SAW) promised us nothing but delusions!" Sahih International : And [remember] when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, " Allah and His Messenger did not promise us except delusion," Pickthall : And when the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, were saying: Allah and His messenger promised us naught but delusion. Yusuf Ali : And behold! The Hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease (even) say: "Allah and His Messenger promised us nothing but delusion!" Shakir : And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was a disease began to say: Allah and His Messenger did not promise us (victory) but only to deceive. Dr. Ghali : And as the hypocrites and the ones in whose hearts is sickness said, "In no way did Allah and His Messenger promise us anything except delusion." Tafsir Jalalayn : And, mention, when the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is sickness, namely, weakness of conviction, were saying, ‘What God and His Messenger promised us, of assistance [to victory], was [nothing] but delusion’, falsehood. Tagalog : At doon ay sinabi ng mga mapagkunwari at ng mga yaong may pag-aalinlangan sa kanilang mga puso na sila ang mga mahihina sa pananampalataya: Walang ipinangako sa amin ang Allâh at ang Kanyang Sugo na tagumpay at pangingibabaw kundi pawang kasinungalingan na mga salita at panlilinlang lamang, na kung kaya, huwag ninyo siyang paniwalaan. ![]() 33.13Hassanor Alapa : Go gowani a tharoon a salompok kiran a hay manga taw sa Yathrib, da a darpa iyo sii (a mabagr) sa baling kano sa adn a phagodas a salompok ko Nabī sa gii ran tharoon a so manga walay ami na mamamayas a skaniyan na kna o ba mamamayas ka da a bantak iran a rowar sa kapalagoy Muhsin Khan : And when a party of them said: "O people of Yathrib (AlMadinah)! There is no stand (possible) for you (against the enemy attack!) Therefore go back!" And a band of them ask for permission of the Prophet ( SAW) saying: "Truly, our homes lie open (to the enemy)." And they lay not open. They but wished to flee. Sahih International : And when a faction of them said, "O people of Yathrib, there is no stability for you [here], so return [home]." And a party of them asked permission of the Prophet, saying, "Indeed, our houses are unprotected," while they were not exposed. They did not intend except to flee. Pickthall : And when a party of them said: O folk of Yathrib! There is no stand (possible) for you, therefor turn back. And certain of them (even) sought permission of the Prophet, saying: Our homes lie open (to the enemy). And they lay not open. They but wished to flee. Yusuf Ali : Behold! A party among them said: "Ye men of Yathrib! ye cannot stand (the attack)! therefore go back!" And a band of them ask for leave of the Prophet, saying, "Truly our houses are bare and exposed," though they were not exposed they intended nothing but to run away. Shakir : And when a party of them said: O people of Yasrib! there is no place to stand for you (here), therefore go back; and a party of them asked permission of the prophet, saying. Surely our houses are exposed; and they were not exposed; they only desired to fly away. Dr. Ghali : And as a section of them said, " O population of Yathrib, Al-Madinah) there is no stationing (here) for you, so return!" And a group of them were asking permission of the Prophet, saying, "Surely our houses are privacies." (Or: weak spots; i.e., They begged permission to protect their own homes) And in no way were they privacies; decidedly they would like (to seek) nothing except flight. Tafsir Jalalayn : And when a party of them, namely, the hypocrites, said, ‘O people of Yathrib!, namely, the region of Medina (it [Yathriba] is a diptote because of its being a proper noun and because of the [morphological similarity it bears to a] verbal form) there is not a stand [possible] (read muqām or maqām) for you [here], in other words, no place to stay and no [strategic] position, so turn back, to your dwellings in Medina — they had set out with the Prophet (s) towards the foot of a mountain outside Medina for battle. And a group of them [even] sought the permission of the Prophet, to turn back, saying, ‘Our homes are exposed, unprotected and we fear for them’. God, exalted be He, says: although they were not exposed. They only sought to flee, from battle. Tagalog : At alalahanin mo, O Muhammad, ang sinabi ng isang grupo na mga mapagkunwari habang tinatawag nila ang mga mananampalataya na mga taga-Madinah: O kayong mga taga-Yatrib – ito ang lumang pangalan ng Madinah – wala na kayong magagawa sa labanang ito, magiging talunan na kayo, na kung kaya, magbalik na kayo sa inyong mga tahanan sa Madinah! At ang ibang grupo naman na mga mapagkunwari ay humihingi ng pahintulot sa Propeta na bumalik na lamang sa kanilang tahanan sa kadahilanang hindi raw nila mapangangalagaan ang kanilang tahanan at nangangamba sila hingil dito, samantalang ang katotohanan ay hindi gayon, at wala silang hinahangad kundi tumakas sa labanan. ![]() 33.14Hassanor Alapa : Opama o kasoldi siran ko mlilibta on oriyan iyan na pangnin kiran so morka (so kabonoa ko manga Muslim) na disomala a italingoma iran sa di siran nomayaw sa mathay Muhsin Khan : And if the enemy had entered from all sides (of the city), and they had been exhorted to AlFitnah (i.e. to renegade from Islam to polytheism) they would surely have committed it and would have hesitated thereupon but little. Sahih International : And if they had been entered upon from all its [surrounding] regions and fitnah had been demanded of them, they would have done it and not hesitated over it except briefly. Pickthall : If the enemy had entered from all sides and they had beenexhorted to treachery, they would have committed it, and would have hesitated thereupon but little. Yusuf Ali : And if an entry had been effected to them from the sides of the (city), and they had been incited to sedition, they would certainly have brought it to pass, with none but a brief delay! Shakir : And if an entry were made upon them from the outlying parts of it, then they were asked to wage war, they would certainly have done it, and they would not have stayed in it but a little while. Dr. Ghali : And if (the city) had been entered upon them from its (adjacent) regions, and thereafter they had been asked sedition, (Literally: temptation; i.e, if the hypocrites had been asked to apostatize from Islam) indeed they would have brought it forth and in no way would they have kept lingering in it except a little while. (Literally: an easy (while) Tafsir Jalalayn : And had they been invaded in it, namely, Medina, from all sides and had they been exhorted, in other words, had the invaders exhorted them, to treachery, [a return to] idolatrous ways, they would have committed it (read la-ātawhā, or la-atawhā, meaning, ‘they would have offered it’, or ‘they would have committed it’ [respectively]) and would have hesitated thereupon but a little. Tagalog : Dahil kung pinasok ng mga sundalo na binubuo ng iba’t ibang grupo ang lahat ng dako ng Madinah at pagkatapos ay hiniling sa kanila na mga mapagkunwari na sumamba ng iba bukod sa Allâh at talikuran ang Islâm ay tiyak na sila ay tutugon nang mabilisan, at hindi nila iaantala ang pagtanggap ng maling pagsambang ito kundi mangilan-ngilan lamang sa kanila. ![]() 33.15Hassanor Alapa : Go sabnar a miaadn siran a iniphasada iran so Allāh sa miaona a di siran phalagoy go so kapasadan o Allāh na miaadn a ipagiza Muhsin Khan : And indeed they had already made a covenant with Allah not to turn their backs, and a covenant with Allah must be answered for. Sahih International : And they had already promised Allah before not to turn their backs and flee. And ever is the promise to Allah [that about which one will be] questioned. Pickthall : And verily they had already sworn unto Allah that they would not turn their backs (to the foe). An oath to Allah must be answered for. Yusuf Ali : And yet they had already covenanted with Allah not to turn their backs, and a covenant with Allah must (surely) be answered for. Shakir : And certainly they had made a covenant with Allah before, that) they would not turn (their) backs; and Allah's covenant shall be inquired of. Dr. Ghali : And indeed they had already covenanted with Allah earlier, that they would not turn their backs; and a covenant with Allah will be questioned. Tafsir Jalalayn : Though they had assuredly pledged to God before that, that they would not turn their backs [to flee]; and a pledge given to God must be answered for, regarding whether it was fulfilled [or not]. Tagalog : At katotohanang nangako ang mga mapagkuwaring ito sa Allâh sa kamay ng Kanyang Sugo bago mangyari ang labanan sa Khandaq, na sila ay hindi tatakas kapag napaharap sila sa labanan at hindi sila mag-aatubili kapag sila ay inanyayahan tungo sa ‘Jihâd’ subali’t sinira nila ang kanilang kasunduan, at walang pag-aalinlangang sisingilin sila ng Allâh at tatanungin sila hinggil dito, at ang Pangako nila sa Allâh ay tiyak na Kanyang itatanong at isisingil. ![]() 33.16Hassanor Alapa : Tharo anka (hay Mohammad) a di rkano phakanggay a gona so kapalagoy amay ka malagoy kano ko kapatay 1174 odi na so kabono, na amay ka nggolawlaan iyo to na di kano phakasawitn inonta a maito Muhsin Khan : Say (O Muhammad SAW to these hypocrites who ask your permission to run away from you): "Flight will not avail you if you flee from death or killing, and then you will enjoy no more than a little while!" Sahih International : Say, [O Muhammad], "Never will fleeing benefit you if you should flee from death or killing; and then [if you did], you would not be given enjoyment [of life] except for a little." Pickthall : Say: Flight will not avail you if ye flee from death or killing, and then ye dwell in comfort but a little while. Yusuf Ali : Say: "Running away will not profit you if ye are running away from death or slaughter; and even if (ye do escape), no more than a brief (respite) will ye be allowed to enjoy!" Shakir : Say: Flight shall not do you any good if you fly from death or slaughter, and in that case you will not be allowed to enjoy yourselves but a little. Dr. Ghali : Say, "Flight will never profit you, in case you flee from death or killing; and lo, you will not be given enjoyment except for a little (time). Tafsir Jalalayn : Say: ‘Flight will not avail you should you flee from death or [from] being slain, and then, if you were to flee, you would not be extended comfort, in this world, after you have fled, except a little’, [except for] the remainder of your terms [of life]. Tagalog : Sabihin mo sa kanila, O Muhammad, na mga mapagkunwari: Kailanman ay wala kayong mapapalang kapakinabangan sa pagtakas sa labanan dahil sa natatakot kayong mamatay o di kaya ay mapatay; dahil hindi ninyo maiaantala ang anuman na itinakda Niyang kamatayan para sa inyo, at kahit tumakas pa kayo ay hindi ninyo maisasagawa ang kasiyahan dito sa daigdig maliban sa kung ano ang itinakda sa inyo na limitadong buhay, na ito ay napakaikling panahon lamang kung ihahambing sa buhay sa Kabilang-Buhay. ![]() 33.17Hassanor Alapa : Tharo anka a antaa i phakalinding rkano ko Allāh amay ka kabayaan kano Niyan sa (masogat) kano a siksa odi na kabayaan kano Niyan sa limo, ago da a matoon iran a rk iran a salakaw ko Allāh a salinggogopa ago da pn a tabanga Muhsin Khan : Say: "Who is he who can protect you from Allah if He intends to harm you, or intends mercy on you?" And they will not find, besides Allah, for themselves any Wali (protector, supporter, etc.) or any helper. Sahih International : Say, "Who is it that can protect you from Allah if He intends for you an ill or intends for you a mercy?" And they will not find for themselves besides Allah any protector or any helper. Pickthall : Say: Who is he who can preserve you from Allah if He intendeth harm for you, or intendeth mercy for you. They will not find that they have any friend or helper other than Allah. Yusuf Ali : Say: "Who is it that can screen you from Allah if it be His wish to give you punishment or to give you Mercy?" Nor will they find for themselves, besides Allah, any protector or helper. Shakir : Say: Who is it that can withhold you from Allah if He intends to do you evil, rather He intends to show you mercy? And they will not find for themselves besides Allah any guardian or a helper. Dr. Ghali : Say, "Who is he that will safeguard you from Allah in case He wills you ill or He wills mercy for you?" And they will find for themselves, apart from Allah, neither patron nor ready vindicator. Tafsir Jalalayn : Say: ‘Who is it that can protect you, grant you sanctuary, from God should He desire [to cause] you ill, [whether it be] destruction or defeat, or, [who is it that] can cause you ill, should He, God, desire for you mercy?’, good. And they shall not find for themselves besides God, in other words, other than God, any protector, to avail them, or helper, to ward off harm from them. Tagalog : Sabihin mo sa kanila, O Muhammad: Sino pa kaya ang maka-pangangalaga sa inyo mula sa Allâh o di kaya ay sino ang makapagliligtas sa inyo mula sa Kanyang kaparusahan kung nanaisin ng Allâh ang kapinsalaan sa inyo, o kung nanaisin Niya ang habag sa inyo, dahil ang nagkakaloob, pumipigil, nagsanhi ng kapinsalaan o nagdudulot ng kapakinabangan ay bukod-tanging Siya lamang? At wala nang matatagpuan sila na mga mapagkunwari bukod sa Allâh, para sa kanilang mga sarili bilang ‘Walee’ – Tagapangalaga o makatutulong. ![]() 33.18Hassanor Alapa : Sabnar a katawan o Allāh so manga taw a phagadn sa balamban a pd rkano ago so giitharo ko manga pd iran a song kano rkami sa di siran thalingoma ko kathidawa inonta a maito Muhsin Khan : Allah already knows those among you who keep back (men) from fighting in Allah's Cause, and those who say to their brethren "Come here towards us," while they (themselves) come not to the battle except a little. Sahih International : Already Allah knows the hinderers among you and those [hypocrites] who say to their brothers, "Come to us," and do not go to battle, except for a few, Pickthall : Allah already knoweth those of you who hinder, and those who say unto their brethren: "Come ye hither unto us!" and they come not to the stress of battle save a little, Yusuf Ali : Verily Allah knows those among you who keep back (men) and those who say to their brethren, "Come along to us", but come not to the fight except for just a little while. Shakir : Allah knows indeed those among you who hinder others and those who say to their brethren: Come to us; and they come not to the fight but a little, Dr. Ghali : Allah already knows the hinderers among you and the ones who say to their brothers, "Come along to us, " and they (themselves) do not come up to battle, (Literally: to vioence) except a little, Tafsir Jalalayn : Indeed God already knows the hinderers among you and those who say to their brethren, ‘Come to us’, and they do not engage in the battle except a little, for show and for [the sake of their] reputation, Tagalog : Katiyakan, batid ng Allâh ang sinumang umaatras sa ‘Jihâd’ sa Daan ng Allâh at ang mga nagsasabi sa kanilang mga kapatid: Halina sumama kayo sa amin at pabayaan ninyo si Muhammad, at huwag kayong makipaglaban kasama niya; dahil natatakot kami na mamatay kayo pagkamatay niya. At sa ganitong pag-aalinlangan at karuwagan ay walang nagsitungo sa kanila sa pakikipaglaban kundi kakaunti lamang; bilang ‘Riyâ’ (pagpapakitang-tao) para mapamalita lamang na sila ay sumama at pagkatakot sa kahihiyan. ![]() 33.19Hassanor Alapa : Sa kaligt rkano, na igira miakaoma so kalk na mailay nka siran a phagilayin ka iran a maboborarat a mata iran a datar o ba katatamboni sa kapatay, na amay ka mada so kalk iran (mada so gomogobat) na saronga-ngatn kano iran a manga katharo a manga gagarang sa kaligt ko mapia, siran oto na da siran 1175 makaparatiaya na inilang o Allāh so manga galbk iran, sa miaadn oto sii ko Allāh a malbod Muhsin Khan : Being miserly towards you (as regards help and aid in Allah's Cause). Then when fear comes, you will see them looking to you, their eyes revolving like (those of) one over whom hovers death, but when the fear departs, they will smite you with sharp tongues, miserly towards (spending anything in any) good (and only covetous of booty and wealth). Such have not believed. Therefore Allah makes their deeds fruitless, and that is ever easy for Allah. Sahih International : Indisposed toward you. And when fear comes, you see them looking at you, their eyes revolving like one being overcome by death. But when fear departs, they lash you with sharp tongues, indisposed toward [any] good. Those have not believed, so Allah has rendered their deeds worthless, and ever is that, for Allah , easy. Pickthall : Being sparing of their help to you (believers). But when the fear cometh, then thou (Muhammad) seest them regarding thee with rolling eyes like one who fainteth unto death. Then, when the fear departeth, they scald you with sharp tongues in their greed for wealth (from the spoil). Such have not believed. Therefor Allah maketh their deeds fruitless. And that is easy for Allah. Yusuf Ali : Covetous over you. Then when fear comes, thou wilt see them looking to thee, their eyes revolving, like (those of) one over whom hovers death: but when the fear is past, they will smite you with sharp tongues, covetous of goods. Such men have no faith, and so Allah has made their deeds of none effect: and that is easy for Allah. Shakir : Being niggardly with respect to you; but when fear comes, you will see them looking to you, their eyes rolling like one swooning because of death; but when the fear is gone they smite you with sharp tongues, being niggardly of the good things. These have not believed, therefore Allah has made their doing naught; and this is easy to Allah. Dr. Ghali : Being avaricious towards you. Then when fear comes, you would see them looking at you, (i.e., the Prophet) their eyes rolling like one who swoons of death; yet when the fear goes away, they flay you (i.e., the believers the pronoun is plural) with sharp tongues, being too avaricious to (give in) charity. Those have not (yet) believed, so Allah has frustrated their deeds; and that has been easy for Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : grudging to you, in their help (ashihha, ‘grudging’, is the plural of shahīh, and is a circumstantial qualifier referring to the subject [of the verb] ya’tūna, ‘they engage’). And when there is a panic, you see them looking at you, their eyes rolling like one, that is, like the look of one, or the rolling of one, fainting at death, in other words, [one] in the throes thereof; but when the panic subsides, and the spoils have been secured, they scald you, they hurt you, or they smite you, with [their] sharp tongues, in their greed for the riches, in other words, for the spoils, which they demand [greedily]. Those, they never believed, really. Therefore God has invalidated their works, and that, invalidation, is easy for God, by His will. Tagalog : Sila ay mga maramot sa inyo, O kayong mga mananampalataya, ng kanilang kayamanan, sarili, pagtitiyaga at pagmamahal, dahil ang nasa kanilang mga puso ay galit at pagkainggit; at pagmamahal ng buhay sa daigdig at pagkatakot mamatay, at kapag nangyari ang labanan ay natatakot silang mamatay at nakikita mo sila na nakatingin sa iyo na umiikot ang kanilang paningin sa pagkawala nila sa kanilang sarili dahil sa takot mamatay at paghahangad na tumakas, na parang pag-ikot ng paningin ng isang naghihingalo, at kapag natapos na ang labanan at nawala na sa kanila ang takot ay pagsasalitaan nila kayo ng mga masasamang salita na nakasasakit ng kalooban at makikita mo sila habang hinahati-hati ang ‘Ghanâim’ na mga maramot at mapag-imbot, na kung kaya, sila ang mga yaong walang pananampalataya sa kanilang mga puso, na inalis ng Allâh ang gantimpala ng kanilang mga gawain (nawalan ng kabuluhan) at ito ay napakadali para sa Allâh. ![]() 33.20Hassanor Alapa : Iitongn iran a so manga lompokan na da siran pn khoyakas na o makaoma so manga lompokan na mazimalaw iran a oba siran bo milolomang ko manga Arab sa lomang a pphangamadn iran so manga thotolan a pantag rkano, na o maadn siran rkano na di siran makimbonoay inonta a maito Muhsin Khan : They think that AlAhzab (the Confederates) have not yet withdrawn, and if AlAhzab (the Confederates) should come (again), they would wish they were in the deserts (wandering) among the bedouins, seeking news about you (from a far place); and if they (happen) to be among you, they would not fight but little. Sahih International : They think the companies have not [yet] withdrawn. And if the companies should come [again], they would wish they were in the desert among the bedouins, inquiring [from afar] about your news. And if they should be among you, they would not fight except for a little. Pickthall : They hold that the clans have not retired (for good); and if the clans should advance (again), they would fain be in the desert with the wandering Arabs, asking for the news of you; and if they were among you, they would not give battle, save a little. Yusuf Ali : They think that the Confederates have not withdrawn; and if the Confederates should come (again), they would wish they were in the deserts (wandering) among the Bedouins, and seeking news about you (from a safe distance); and if they were in your midst, they would fight but little. Shakir : They think the allies are not gone, and if the allies should come (again) they would fain be in the deserts with the desert Arabs asking for news about you, and if they were among you they would not fight save a little. Dr. Ghali : They reckon that the (allied) parties have not gone away. And in case the (allied) parties come up, they would prefer if they were frequenters among the Arabs (Or: desert dwellers) (of the desert) asking for information about you. And if they were among you, in no way would they fight except a little. Tafsir Jalalayn : They suppose that the confederates, of disbelievers, have not [yet] departed, to Mecca, because of their fear of them, and were the confederates to come, a second time, they would wish that they were in the desert with the Bedouins asking about your news, your encounters with the disbelievers. And if they were among you, this second time, they would fight but a little, for show and for fear of being reviled. Tagalog : Iniisip ng mga mapagkunwari na ang mga ‘Al-Ahzâb’ (grupo na nagsama-sama upang kubkubin at ubusin ang mga mananampalataya) na tinalo ng Allâh nang masamang pagkatalo ay hindi pa nakaalis; dahil sa tindi ng kanilang takot at karuwagan, na kahit na bumalik pa ang mga grupong ito na mga sundalo sa Madinah ay aasamin pa rin ng mga mapagkunwari na sana ay nakaalis sila ng Madinah at nandoroon na sila sa mga malalayong lugar ng mga Bedouin na gumagala-gala na sumasagap na lamang ng mga balita hinggil sa inyo, at kahit na kasama pa ninyo sila ay walang makikipaglaban sa kanila na kasama ninyo kundi kakaunti lamang; dahil sa tindi ng kanilang karuwagan at hina ng kanilang kalooban. ![]() 33.21Hassanor Alapa : Sabnar a adn a miaadn a rk iyo sii ko Rasūlullāh a ladiawan a mapia a rk i taw 1176 a miaadn a aarapn iyan so Allāh ago so alongan a maori ago tiadman iyan so Allāh sa madakl Muhsin Khan : Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad SAW) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much. Sahih International : There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and [who] remembers Allah often. Pickthall : Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the Last Day, and remembereth Allah much. Yusuf Ali : Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah. Shakir : Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent exemplar for him who hopes in Allah and the latter day and remembers Allah much. Dr. Ghali : Indeed you have already had a fair example, in the Messenger of Allah, for whoever hopes for Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much. Tafsir Jalalayn : Verily there is for you a good example (read iswa or uswa) in the Messenger of God, to emulate in combat and in holding one’s ground [therein], for whoever (li-man substitutes for lakum, ‘for you’) hopes for [the encounter with] God, fears Him, and the Last Day, and remembers God often, in contrast to those who do not. Tagalog : Katiyakan, para sa inyo, O kayong mga mananampalataya, sa mga sinasabi ng Sugo ng Allâh (saw), sa kanyang mga ginagawa at kaugalian ay mabuting halimbawa na dapat ninyong pamarisan, na kung kaya, magpakatatag kayo sa kanyang ‘Sunnah’ dahil ang sumusunod lamang at gumagaya nito ay ang sinumang naghahangad na makatagpo ang Allâh at ang mabuting gantimpala sa Kabilang-Buhay, at palaging pumupuri sa Allâh at humihingi ng kapatawaran at nagpapasalamat sa Kanya sa lahat ng pagkakataon. ![]() 33.22Hassanor Alapa : Na gowani a mailay o miamaratiaya so manga lompokan na pitharo iran a giai so inithalad rkitano o Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan ago Bnar so Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan, go da a minioman iyan kiran a rowar sa paratiaya ago kambayorantang. Muhsin Khan : And when the believers saw AlAhzab (the Confederates), they said: "This is what Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) had spoken the truth, and it only added to their faith and to their submissiveness (to Allah). Sahih International : And when the believers saw the companies, they said, "This is what Allah and His Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth." And it increased them only in faith and acceptance. Pickthall : And when the true believers saw the clans, they said: This is that which Allah and His messenger promised us. Allah and His messenger are true. It did but confirm them in their faith and resignation. Yusuf Ali : When the Believers saw the Confederate forces, they said: "This is what Allah and his Messenger had promised us, and Allah and His Messenger told us what was true." And it only added to their faith and their zeal in obedience. Shakir : And when the believers saw the allies, they said: This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us, and Allah and His Messenger spoke the truth; and it only increased them in faith and submission. Dr. Ghali : And as soon as the believers saw the (allied) parties they said, "This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us, and Allah and His Messenger have spoken sincerely." And in no way did it increase them except in belief and submission. Tafsir Jalalayn : And when the believers saw the confederates, of disbelievers, they said, ‘This is what God and His Messenger promised us, in the way of trial and [assistance to] victory, and God and His Messenger were truthful’, about the promise. And that only increased them in faith, in belief in God’s promise, and submission, to His command. Tagalog : At nang masaksihan ng mga mananampalataya ang pagtitipun-tipon ng maraming grupo sa paligid ng Madinah at nakapalibot sila roon, ay napagtanto nila na ang pangako ng Allâh na tagumpay ay malapit na at sinabi nila: Ito ang ipinangako ng Allâh at ng Kanyang Sugo na pagsubok, paghihirap at tagumpay, at tinupad na ng Allâh ang Kanyang Pangako at totoo ang Kanyang Sugo sa Kanyang magandang balita. At walang nairagdag sa kanila sa pagkakita nila ng mga grupong ito kundi karagdagang paniniwala sa Allâh at pagsuko sa Kanyang pinagpasiyahan at pagpapasailalim sa Kanyang kagustuhan. ![]() 33.23Hassanor Alapa : (Adn) a pd ko miamaratiayaa manga mama a initoman iran so nganin a inibgay ran a pasad ko Allāh na pd kiran so taw 1177 a miatonay niyan so kapasadan iyan (sa miashahid) ago pd kiran so taw a nomanayaw (a da pn 1178 mashahid) go da iran sambii so paratiaya iran sa sambi (a kapmonafiq) Muhsin Khan : Among the believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah [i.e. they have gone out for Jihad (holy fighting), and showed not their backs to the disbelievers], of them some have fulfilled their obligations (i.e. have been martyred), and some of them are still waiting, but they have never changed [i.e.they never proved treacherous to their covenant which they concluded with Allah] in the least. Sahih International : Among the believers are men true to what they promised Allah . Among them is he who has fulfilled his vow [to the death], and among them is he who awaits [his chance]. And they did not alter [the terms of their commitment] by any alteration - Pickthall : Of the believers are men who are true to that which they covenanted with Allah. Some of them have paid their vow by death (in battle), and some of them still are waiting; and they have not altered in the least; Yusuf Ali : Among the Believers are men who have been true to their covenant with Allah: of them some have completed their vow (to the extreme), and some (still) wait: but they have never changed (their determination) in the least: Shakir : Of the believers are men who are true to the covenant which they made with Allah: so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed in the least Dr. Ghali : Among the believers are men who are sincere to what they covenanted with Allah. So, of them are (they) who have accomplished their life-time. (i.e., fuilled their vows by ) And of them are (they) who are still waiting, and in no way have they exchanged the least exchanges. Tafsir Jalalayn : Among the believers are men who are true to the covenant they made with God, in steadfastly remaining alongside the Prophet (s). Some of them have fulfilled their vow, having died or been killed [fighting] for God’s cause, and some are still awaiting, for this [fate], and they have not changed, [their commitment to] the covenant, in the least, and they stand in contrast to the situation with the hypocrites; Tagalog : Mayroon sa mga mananampalataya ang mga kalalakihan na tinupad nila ang kanilang pangako sa Allâh at nagtiis sila sa mga pagsubok na nangyari sa kanilang mga sarili at sa kanilang mga kayamanan sa oras ng pagsubok: mayroon sa kanila na natupad ang kanyang pangako at siya ay namatay sa Daan ng Allâh, at mayroon sa kanila ang nag-aabang ng isa sa dalawang kabutihan: tagumpay o di kaya ay pagkamatay sa labanan sa Daan ng Allâh, at hindi nila binago ang pangako nila sa Allâh at hindi nila ito sinira ni pinalitan man na tulad ng ginawa ng mga mapagkunwari. ![]() 33.24Hassanor Alapa : Ka an kabalasi o Allāh so tomioman ko kiatoman iyan ago ziksaan iyan so manga monafiq amay ka kabayaan Iyan, odi na pakatawbatn Iyan siran, ka mataan a so Allāh na miaadn a Paririla a Masalinggagawn Muhsin Khan : That Allah may reward the men of truth for their truth (i.e. for their patience at the accomplishment of that which they covenanted with Allah), and punish the hypocrites if He will or accept their repentance by turning to them in Mercy. Verily, Allah is OftForgiving, Most Merciful. Sahih International : That Allah may reward the truthful for their truth and punish the hypocrites if He wills or accept their repentance. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful. Pickthall : That Allah may reward the true men for their truth, and punish the hypocrites if He will, or relent toward them (if He will). Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Yusuf Ali : That Allah may reward the men of Truth for their Truth, and punish the Hypocrites if that be His Will, or turn to them in Mercy: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Shakir : That Allah may reward the truthful for their truth, and punish the hypocrites if He please or turn to them (mercifully); surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Dr. Ghali : That Allah may recompense the sincere ones for their sincerity, and torment the hypocrites, in case He (so) decides, or relent towards them. Surely Allah has been Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Tafsir Jalalayn : that God may reward the truthful for their truthfulness and chastise the hypocrites, if He will, by causing them to die in [a state of] hypocrisy, or relent to them. Surely God is Forgiving, to he who repents, Merciful, to him. Tagalog : Nang sa gayon ay gantimpalaan ng Allâh ang mga matatapat dahil sa kanilang katapatan at sa mga pagsubok sa kanila na sila ay ang mga yaong mananamapalataya, at parusahan ang mga mapagkunwari kung nais Niya na sila ay parusahan sa pamamagitan ng hindi paggabay sa kanila tungo sa totoong pagsisisi bago sila mamatay at sila ay mamamatay na walang pananampalataya na karapat-dapat sa Impiyernong-Apoy, o di kaya ay patatawarin sila na sila ay gagabayan tungo sa pagsisisi at pagbabalik-loob. Katiyakan, ang Allâh ay ‘Ghafour’ – Ganap na Mapagpatawad sa kasalanan ng mga nagmalabis laban sa kanilang mga sarili kapag sila ay nagsipagsisi, na ‘Raheem’ – Napakamaawain at Ganap na Mapagmahal sa kanila; dahil sila ay ginabayan sa makatotohanang pagsisisi. ![]() 33.25Hassanor Alapa : Sa piakandod o Allāh so siran oto a manga kafir sa 1179 pd iran so rarangit iran a da a miaparoli ran a mapia, ago lininding o Allāh so miamaratiaya ko kathidawa, ka miaadn so Allāh a Mabagr a Mabasng. Muhsin Khan : And Allah drove back those who disbelieved in their rage, they gained no advantage (booty, etc.). Allah sufficed for the believers in the fighting (by sending against the disbelievers a severe wind and troops of angels). And Allah is Ever AllStrong, AllMighty. Sahih International : And Allah repelled those who disbelieved, in their rage, not having obtained any good. And sufficient was Allah for the believers in battle, and ever is Allah Powerful and Exalted in Might. Pickthall : And Allah repulsed the disbelievers in their wrath; they gained no good. Allah averted their attack from the believers. Allah is ever Strong, Mighty. Yusuf Ali : And Allah turned back the Unbelievers for (all) their fury: no advantage did they gain; and enough is Allah for the believers in their fight. And Allah is full of Strength, able to enforce His Will. Shakir : And Allah turned back the unbelievers in their rage; they did not obtain any advantage, and Allah sufficed the believers in fighting; and Allah is Strong, Mighty. Dr. Ghali : And Allah turned back (the ones) who disbelieved in their rage; they attained no charity, and Allah was a sufficient (protector) to the believers from fighting. And Allah has been Ever-Powerful, Ever-Mighty. Tafsir Jalalayn : And God repulsed those who were disbelievers, namely, the confederates, in their rage, without their attaining any good, [without achieving] their desire in any way to triumph over the believers. And God spared the believers from fighting, by [unleashing] the wind and the angels. And truly God is Strong, in bringing about what He wants, Mighty, prevailing with His way. Tagalog : At itinaboy ng Allâh ang maraming grupo ng mga walang pananampalataya mula sa Madinah na mga hamak, talunan at poot sa kanilang mga sarili, dahil wala silang nakamtan na kabutihan dito sa daigdig at gayon din sa Kabilang-Buhay. At naging sapat na ang Allâh para sa mga mananampalataya sa kanilang labanan dahil sa Kanyang pagkaloob sa kanila ng mga kaparaanan para magwagi. At ang Allâh ay ‘Qawee’ – Pinakamalakas na hindi nagagapi, na `Azeez’ – Kataas-Taasan at Punung-Puno ng Karangalan na Ganap na Makapangyarihan sa Kanyang pagmamay-ari at kaharian. ![]() 33.26Hassanor Alapa : Go piakaliyo Niyan so siran oto a tiabangan iran (so Ahzāb) a pd ko manga taw a tioronan sa kitab phoon ko manga kota iran sa inititikit Iyan ko manga poso’ iran so kalk, sa salompok a pphamo-noon iyo, na salompok a pphamiagn iyo kiran Muhsin Khan : And those of the people of the Scripture who backed them (the disbelievers) Allah brought them down from their forts and cast terror into their hearts, (so that) a group (of them) you killed, and a group (of them) you made captives. Sahih International : And He brought down those who supported them among the People of the Scripture from their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts [so that] a party you killed, and you took captive a party. Pickthall : And He brought those of the People of the Scripture who supported them down from their strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts. Some ye slew, and ye made captive some. Yusuf Ali : And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners. Shakir : And He drove down those of the followers of the Book who backed them from their fortresses and He cast awe into their hearts; some you killed and you took captive another part. Dr. Ghali : And He brought down (the ones) of the population of the Book (Or: Family of the Book, i.e., the Jews and christians) who backed them from their bastions, and hurled horror in their hearts; a group you killed and (another) group you (made) captive. Tafsir Jalalayn : And He brought down those of the People of the Scripture, namely, the [Banū] Qurayza, who had supported them from their strongholds (sayāsī is the plural of sīsa, and is that in which one fortifies himself [against an enemy]) and He cast terror into their hearts, [so that] some, of them, you slew, and these were the combatants, and some, of them, you took captive, namely, their children. Tagalog : At pinababa ng Allâh ang mga Hudyo na mula sa Banu Quraydah sa kanilang mga kuta; na siyang nakipagtulungan sa mga grupo ng mga walang pananampalataya sa pakikipaglaban sa mga Muslim at inilagay ng Allâh ang pagkatakot sa kanilang mga puso at natalo sila; pinatay ninyo ang ilan mula sa grupo nila at binihag naman ninyo ang iba. ![]() 33.27Hassanor Alapa : Go piakipang-warisan Iyan rkano so manga lopa iran 1180 ago so manga ingd iran ago so manga tamok iran ago lopa a da niyo kadapoi, sa miaadn so Allāh ko kalangowan a shayi a Gomagaos Muhsin Khan : And He caused you to inherit their lands, and their houses, and their riches, and a land which you had not trodden (before). And Allah is Able to do all things. Sahih International : And He caused you to inherit their land and their homes and their properties and a land which you have not trodden. And ever is Allah , over all things, competent. Pickthall : And He caused you to inherit their land and their houses and their wealth, and land ye have not trodden. Allah is ever Able to do all things. Yusuf Ali : And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (before). And Allah has power over all things. Shakir : And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their property, and (to) a land which you have not yet trodden, and Allah has power over all things. Dr. Ghali : And He caused you to inherit their land, and their residences and their riches, and a land you have not trodden; and Allah has been Ever-Determiner over everything. Tafsir Jalalayn : And He made you inherit their land and their homes and their possessions, and a land you had not trodden, thitherto, and this was [the territory of] Khaybar, which was captured after [that of] Qurayza. And God has power over all things. Tagalog : At sinanhi ng Allâh na manahin ninyo ang kanilang mga lupain at mga tahanan, at gayon din ang kanilang mga yaman na tulad ng mga alahas, sandata at mga hayop, at gayon din ang mga nakatigil na kayamanan na tulad ng kanilang sakahan, mga tahanan at mga matitibay na mga kuta, at ipinamana rin sa inyo ang lugar na di pa ninyo nayapakan (o nararating) noon; dahil sa ito ay guwardyado, nakabakod at napakahalaga sa nagmamay-ari nito. At ang Allâh ay ‘Qadeer’ – Ganap na Makapangyarihan sa lahat ng bagay na Siya ay May Kakayahang gawin ang lahat ng bagay na walang sinuman ang makagagapi sa Kanya. ![]() 33.28Hassanor Alapa : Hay so Nabī tharo anka ko manga karoma nka a amay ka miaadn kano a khabayaan iyo so kaoyagoyag ko doniya ago so parahiasan iyan, na song kano sii ka bgan ko skano sa pammgayan, ago talakn akn skano sa katalak a mapia. Muhsin Khan : O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Say to your wives: If you desire the life of this world, and its glitter, Then come! I will make a provision for you and set you free in a handsome manner (divorce). Sahih International : O Prophet, say to your wives, "If you should desire the worldly life and its adornment, then come, I will provide for you and give you a gracious release. Pickthall : O Prophet! Say unto thy wives: If ye desire the world's life and its adornment, come! I will content you and will release you with a fair release. Yusuf Ali : O Prophet! Say to thy Consorts: "If it be that ye desire the life of this World, and its glitter,- then come! I will provide for your enjoyment and set you free in a handsome manner. Shakir : O Prophet! say to your wives: If you desire this world's life and its adornment, then come, I will give you a provision and allow you to depart a goodly departing Dr. Ghali : O you Prophet, say to your spouses, "In case you would (like) the present life (Literally: the lowly life, i.e., the life of this world) and its adornment, then come, and I will allow you (the necessary) enjoyment and will release you a becoming release. Tafsir Jalalayn : O Prophet! Say to your wives: — who were nine, and they had asked him for some of the adornments of this world, which he did not possess — ‘If you desire the life of this world and its adornment, come [now], I will provide for you, in other words, the compensation [to be provided] for divorce, and release you in a gracious manner, I will divorce you and will not coerce [you to stay]. Tagalog : O Propeta! Sabihin mo sa mga asawa mo na sila ay nagtipun-tipon sa iyong harapan, na humihingi ng karagdagang panustos: Kung kayo ay nagnanais ng karangyaan ng buhay sa daigdig at ng kinang nito ay humarap kayo sa akin at pasisiyahin ko kayo sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng kakaunting makamundong bagay na mayroon ako at bibigyan ko kayo ng laya (o makikipaghiwalay) ako sa inyo sa kaparaanan na napakahusay. ![]() 33.29Hassanor Alapa : Na amay ka miaadn kano a aya bantak iyo na so Allāh 1181 ago so sogo’ Iyan ago so ingd a pkhaori, na mataan a so Allāh na piagtadan iyan so manga babay a miphiapia a pd rkano sa balas a mala Muhsin Khan : But if you desire Allah and His Messenger, and the home of the Hereafter, then verily, Allah has prepared for AlMuhsinat (gooddoers) amongst you an enormous reward. Sahih International : But if you should desire Allah and His Messenger and the home of the Hereafter - then indeed, Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you a great reward." Pickthall : But if ye desire Allah and His messenger and the abode of the Hereafter, then lo! Allah hath prepared for the good among you an immense reward. Yusuf Ali : But if ye seek Allah and His Messenger, and the Home of the Hereafter, verily Allah has prepared for the well-doers amongst you a great reward. Shakir : And if you desire Allah and His Messenger and the latter abode, then surely Allah has prepared for the doers of good among you a mighty reward. Dr. Ghali : And in case you would (like) Allah and His Messenger and the Last Home, then surely Allah has prepared for the fair-doers among you a magnificent reward." Tafsir Jalalayn : But if you desire God and His Messenger and the Abode of the Hereafter, namely, Paradise, then God has indeed prepared for the virtuous among you, [virtuous for] desiring the Hereafter, a great reward’, namely, Paradise: so choose the Hereafter over [the life of] this world. Tagalog : At kung nais naman ninyo ang pagmamahal ng Allâh at pagmamahal ng Kanyang Sugo at ang anumang inihanda ng Allâh sa inyo sa Kabilang-Buhay ay pagtiisan ninyo ang anuman na mayroon kayo, at sumunod kayo sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo dahil sa ang Allâh ay inihanda Niya para sa mga mabubuti mula sa inyo ang dakilang gantimpala – at sa katunayan ay pinili nila ang Allâh at ang Kanyang Sugo, at ang anumang inihanda para sa kanila sa Kabilang-Buhay. ![]() 33.30Hassanor Alapa : Hay manga karoma o Nabī sa makanggolawla sa piakasisingay a mapayag a pd rkano na thakpn on so siksa sa dowa takp, sa miaadn oto ko Allāh a malbod Muhsin Khan : O wives of the Prophet! Whoever of you commits an open illegal sexual intercourse, the torment for her will be doubled, and that is ever easy for Allah. Sahih International : O wives of the Prophet, whoever of you should commit a clear immorality - for her the punishment would be doubled two fold, and ever is that, for Allah , easy. Pickthall : O ye wives of the Prophet! Whosoever of you committeth manifest lewdness, the punishment for her will be doubled, and that is easy for Allah. Yusuf Ali : O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah. Shakir : O wives of the prophet! whoever of you commits an open indecency, the punishment shall be increased to her doubly; and this is easy to Allah. Dr. Ghali : O wives of the Prophet, whoever of you comes up with a demonstrably evident obscenity, the torment will be doubled for her twofold; and that has been easy for Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : O wives of the Prophet! Whoever of you commits manifest indecency (read mubayyana, or mubayyina, meaning [respectively], ‘it has become evident’, meaning, ‘one that is evident’) the chastisement shall be doubled (yudā‘af: a variant reading has [2nd form] yuda‘‘af, and still another has nuda‘‘if, ‘We shall double’, in which case [read] al-‘adhāba, as accusative) for her, in other words, twice the chastisement for other women; and that is easy for God. Tagalog : O kayong mga asawa ng Propeta! Sino man sa inyo ang makagawa ng malinaw na kasalanan ay dodoblehin sa kanya ang kaparusahan. Na dahil sa inyong mataas na antas sa paningin ng Allâh ay ipinantay din Niya ang pagbibigay ng matinding parusa sa sinumang nakagawa ng kasalanan sa inyo; bilang proteksiyon sa inyong karangalan at karangalan ng Sugo ng Allâh. At ang pagpaparusang ito ay napakadali lamang para sa Allâh. ![]() 33.31Hassanor Alapa : Na sa mangongonotan a pd rkano ko Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan ago nggalbk sa mapia na ibgay Ami ron so balas iyan sa makadowa, ago piagtadan Ami skaniyan sa rizki a masakaw. Muhsin Khan : And whosoever of you is obedient to Allah and His Messenger SAW , and does righteous good deeds, We shall give her, her reward twice over, and We have prepared for her Rizqan Karima (a noble provision Paradise). Sahih International : And whoever of you devoutly obeys Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness - We will give her her reward twice; and We have prepared for her a noble provision. Pickthall : And whosoever of you is submissive unto Allah and His messenger and doeth right, We shall give her her reward twice over, and We have prepared for her a rich provision. Yusuf Ali : But any of you that is devout in the service of Allah and His Messenger, and works righteousness,- to her shall We grant her reward twice: and We have prepared for her a generous Sustenance. Shakir : And whoever of you is obedient to Allah and His Messenger and does good, We will give to her her reward doubly, and We have prepared for her an honorable sustenance. Dr. Ghali : And whoever of you is devout to Allah and His Messenger and does righteousness, We will bring her reward twice over, and We have readied for her an honorable provision. Tafsir Jalalayn : But whoever of you is obedient to God and His Messenger, and acts righteously, We shall give her a twofold reward, in other words, twice the reward for other women (variant readings [for ta‘mal and nu’tihā] are [impersonal] ya‘mal, ‘[whoever] acts’, and yu’tihā, ‘He will give her’). And We have prepared a noble provision for her, in Paradise, in addition [to the twofold reward]. Tagalog : At sinuman sa inyo ang susunod sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo at gumawa ng anumang ipinag-utos ng Allâh na kabutihan ay pagkakalooban Namin siya ng dobleng gantimpala sa kanyang gawa na higit kaysa sa ibang kababaihan, at inihanda Namin sa kanya ang marangal na kabuhayan na ito ay ang ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin). ![]() 33.32Hassanor Alapa : Hay manga karoma o Nabī kna o ba kano datar o isa ko manga babay (a kalilid) amay ka mananggila kano na di niyo pphakaomla so katharo ka 1182 makainam a (mama) a adn a madadalm a sakit sa poso’ iyan, go tharo kano sa katharo a mapia Muhsin Khan : O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery, etc.) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honourable manner. Sahih International : O wives of the Prophet, you are not like anyone among women. If you fear Allah , then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is disease should covet, but speak with appropriate speech. Pickthall : O ye wives of the Prophet! Ye are not like any other women. If ye keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft of speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease aspire (to you), but utter customary speech. Yusuf Ali : O Consorts of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear (Allah), be not too complacent of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just. Shakir : O wives of the Prophet! you are not like any other of the women; If you will be on your guard, then be not soft in (your) speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease yearn; and speak a good word. Dr. Ghali : O wives of the Prophet, you are not as any other women. In case you act piously, then do not be too subdued of speech, so that he in whose heart is sickness may long for (too much expectation of you); and speak beneficent words. Tafsir Jalalayn : O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other, group of, women. If you fear, God, for you are more exalted [in status], then do not be complaisant in your speech, with men, lest he in whose heart is a sickness, hypocrisy, aspire [to you], but speak honourable words, without any complaisance. Tagalog : O mga asawa ng Propeta! Hindi kayo katulad ng ibang mga kababaihan sa antas at karangalan. Kapag pinanatili ninyo ang takot sa Allâh, samakatuwid ay huwag kayong makipag-usap nang malumanay na pananalita sa mga kalalakihan (na hindi ninyo ‘Mahram) upang hindi mahumaling ang puso ng inyong mga kausap sa inyo, at ito ay obligadong pag-uugali sa lahat ng kababaihan na naniniwala sa Allâh at sa Kabilang-Buhay, at magsalita kayo sa marangal na kaparaanan na pakikipag-usap na malayo mula sa anumang masamang paghihinala, na hindi ipinagbabawal ng batas. ![]() 33.33Hassanor Alapa : Go thampat kano ko manga walay niyo sa oba kano 1183 mbinayar sa datar o kiambinayar o jāhiliyyah a paganay, go tindgn iyo so sambayang, ago bgan iyo so zakat ago onoti niyo so Allāh, ago so sogo’ Iyan ka khabayaan o Allāh a kapakadaa Niyan rkano ko marzik (hay) manga taw ko 1184 walay o Rasūl ago zotin kano niyan sa samporna a kasoti. Muhsin Khan : And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance, and perform As-Salat (IqamatasSalat), and give Zakat and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah wishes only to remove ArRijs (evil deeds and sins, etc.) from you, O members of the family (of the Prophet SAW), and to purify you with a thorough purification. Sahih International : And abide in your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the former times of ignorance. And establish prayer and give zakah and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah intends only to remove from you the impurity [of sin], O people of the [Prophet's] household, and to purify you with [extensive] purification. Pickthall : And stay in your houses. Bedizen not yourselves with the bedizenment of the Time of Ignorance. Be regular in prayer, and pay the poor-due, and obey Allah and His messenger. Allah's wish is but to remove uncleanness far from you, O Folk of the Household, and cleanse you with a thorough cleansing. Yusuf Ali : And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Messenger. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless. Shakir : And stay in your houses and do not display your finery like the displaying of the ignorance of yore; and keep up prayer, and pay the poor-rate, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! and to purify you a (thorough) purifying. Dr. Ghali : And reside in your homes, and do not flaunt your finery as was the flaunting of finery in the earliest (times) of Ignorance, and keep up the prayer, and bring the Zakat, (Pat the poor-dues) and obey Allah and His Messenger. Surely Allah wills only to put away indeed from you abomination, Population of the Home, and to purify you a thorough purification. Tafsir Jalalayn : And stay in your houses (read qirna or qarna, derived from al-qarār, and is actually, aqrirna or aqrarna from qarirtu or qarartu: the vowelling of the rā’ is moved to the qāf and [the rā’] is omitted together with the conjunctive hamza) and do not flaunt your finery (tabarrajna, with one of the two original tā’ [of tatabarrajna] letters omitted) in the [flaunting] manner of the former Time of Ignorance, in other words, before Islam, when they used to display their beauty to men — [the stipulation regarding] such ‘displays’ after [the coming of] Islam is mentioned in the verse: and not to display their adornment except what is apparent [Q. 24:31]. And maintain prayer and pay the alms, and obey God and His Messenger. Indeed God will but to rid you of sin, O, People of the House, in other words, [O] women of the Prophet (s), and to purify you, of it, with a thorough purification. Tagalog : At manatili kayo sa inyong mga tahanan at huwag kayong lumabas mula rito kung hindi kinakailangan, at huwag ninyong ilantad ang inyong mga kagandahan na tulad ng mga kababaihan noong una na kapanahunan ng kamangmangan bago dumating ang Islâm na dala-dala ni Propeta Muhammad (saw), na katulad din ng ginagawa sa kapanahunan ngayon ng mga kababaihan: mga nakadamit subali’t parang nakahubad dahil nababakas ang hugis ng katawan na naglalantad ng kanilang kagandahan.
![]() 33.34Hassanor Alapa : Go tadmi niyo so pmbatiaan ko manga walay niyo a pd ko manga tanda o Allāh ago so 1185 ongangn (Sunnah) mataan a so Allāh na miaadn a Mananaw a Gomgpa Muhsin Khan : And remember (O you the members of the Prophet's family, the Graces of your Lord), that which is recited in your houses of the Verses of Allah and AlHikmah (i.e. Prophet's Sunnah legal ways, etc. so give your thanks to Allah and glorify His Praises for this Quran and the Sunnah). Verily, Allah is Ever Most Courteous, WellAcquainted with all things. Sahih International : And remember what is recited in your houses of the verses of Allah and wisdom. Indeed, Allah is ever Subtle and Acquainted [with all things]. Pickthall : And bear in mind that which is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and wisdom. Lo! Allah is Subtile, Aware. Yusuf Ali : And recite what is rehearsed to you in your homes, of the Signs of Allah and His Wisdom: for Allah understands the finest mysteries and is well-acquainted (with them). Shakir : And keep to mind what is recited in your houses of the communications of Allah and the wisdom; surely Allah is Knower of subtleties, Aware. Dr. Ghali : And remember what is recited in your homes of the signs of Allah and (the) Wisdom; surely Allah has been Ever-Kind, Ever-Cognizant. Tafsir Jalalayn : And remember that which is recited in your houses of the revelations of God, [of] the Qur’ān, and wisdom, the Sunna. Truly God is Kind, to His friends, Aware, of all His creatures. Tagalog : At alalahanin ninyo ang anuman na binibigkas sa inyong mga tahanan na mga Talata ng Allâh na Qur’ân, at ‘Hikmah’ – mga katuruan at kaparaanan ng Sugo ng Allâh, at isagawa ninyo at ibigay ninyo ang tamang karapatan para rito, dahil sa ito ay kabilang sa mga biyaya ng Allâh sa inyo, katiyakan, ang Allâh ay ‘Lateef ’ – Pinakadalubhasa na may kakayahan na gawin ang lahat ng bagay para sa inyo dahil inilagay sa inyong mga tahanan ang binibigkas na mga talata ng Allâh at ang ‘Sunnah,’ na ‘Khabeer’ – Ganap ang Kanyang Kagalingan na Tagapagmasid sa inyo na pinili Niya kayo bilang mga asawa ng Kanyang Sugo. ![]() 33.35Hassanor Alapa : Mataan a so manga Muslim a mama go so manga Muslimah a manga babay go so miaratiaya a manga mama go so miaratiaya a manga babay go so giimangongonotan a mama ago so giimangongonotan a babay, ago so mangingimbnar a manga mama 1186 ago so mangingimbnar a manga babay go so barasabar a manga mama go so barasabar a manga babay go so maalkn a manga mama go so maalkn a manga babay go so barasadka a manga mama ago so barasadka a manga babay ago so barapowasa a manga mama ago so barapowasa a manga babay ago so somisiap ko manga awrat a manga mama ago manga babay ago so tomatadm ko Allāh a manga mama ago manga babay, na piagtadan siran o Allāh sa rila ago balas a lbi a mala. Muhsin Khan : Verily, the Muslims (those who submit to Allah in Islam) men and women, the believers men and women (who believe in Islamic Monotheism), the men and the women who are obedient (to Allah), the men and women who are truthful (in their speech and deeds), the men and the women who are patient (in performing all the duties which Allah has ordered and in abstaining from all that Allah has forbidden), the men and the women who are humble (before their Lord Allah), the men and the women who give Sadaqat (i.e. Zakat, and alms, etc.), the men and the women who observe Saum (fast) (the obligatory fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the optional Nawafil fasting), the men and the women who guard their chastity (from illegal sexual acts) and the men and the women who remember Allah much with their hearts and tongues (while sitting, standing, lying, etc. for more than 300 times extra over the remembrance of Allah during the five compulsory congregational prayers) or praying extra additional Nawafil prayers of night in the last part of night, etc.) Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward (i.e. Paradise). Sahih International : Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward. Pickthall : Lo! men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender, and men who believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and men who speak the truth and women who speak the truth, and men who persevere (in righteousness) and women who persevere, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who guard (their modesty), and men who remember Allah much and women who remember - Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward. Yusuf Ali : For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. Shakir : Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women and the humble men and the humble women, and the almsgiving men and the almsgiving women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember Allah much and the women who remember-- Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a mighty reward. Dr. Ghali : Surely (for) male Muslims and female Muslims, and male believers and female believers, and devout males and devout females and sincere males and sincere females, and patient males and patient females, and submissive males and submissive females, and male donators and female donators, and fasting males and fasting females, and males who preserve their private parts and females who preserve their private parts, and males who are much mindful of Allah and females who are much mindful of Allah - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a magnificent reward. Tafsir Jalalayn : Indeed the men who have submitted [to God] and the women who have submitted [to God], and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the men who are truthful and the women who are truthful, in their faith, and the patient men and the patient women, [steadfast] in [performing] acts of obedience, and the humble men and the humble women, and the charitable men and the charitable women, and the men who fast and the women who fast, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard their private parts, from what is unlawful, and the men who remember God often and the women who remember God often — for them God has prepared forgiveness, of [their] acts of disobedience, and a great reward, for their acts of obedience. Tagalog : Katiyakan, ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na ‘Muslim’ (nagpapasailalim sa kagustuhan ng Allâh), at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na mananampalataya, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na masunurin sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na mga matatapat sa kanilang mga salita, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na matiisin sa pamamagitan ng paglayo sa kanilang mga sariling pagnanasa at pagsunod sa kanilang mga sariling kagustuhan at matiisin sa anumang kahirapan na kanilang nararanasan, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na may takot sa Allâh, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na nagbibigay ng kawanggawa, obligado man o hindi, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na nagsasagawa ng pag-aayuno, obligado man o hindi, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na inaalagaan nila ang kanilang mga pribadong bahagi na hindi makagawa ng kahalayan at pakikiapid at kahit na ang umpisa lamang nito at hindi sila nagpapakita ng kanilang mga `Awrah,’ at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na mga pumupuri nang labis sa Allâh sa pamamagitan ng kanilang mga puso at mga dila – ang Allâh ay naghanda para sa kanila ng kapatawaran sa kanilang mga kasalanan at dakilang gantimpala na ito ay ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin). ![]() 33.36Hassanor Alapa : Go da maadn a rk a isa a mu’min a mama go di pn sa isa a mu’minah a babay igira gomitas so Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan sa kokoman o ba adn a maadn kiran a kazamili ko 1187 btad iran na sa taw a sopakn iyan so Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan na sabnar a miadadag sa kadadag a mapayag. Muhsin Khan : It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error. Sahih International : It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should [thereafter] have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into clear error. Pickthall : And it becometh not a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His messenger have decided an affair (for them), that they should (after that) claim any say in their affair; and whoso is rebellious to Allah and His messenger, he verily goeth astray in error manifest. Yusuf Ali : It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path. Shakir : And it behoves not a believing man and a believing woman that they should have any choice in their matter when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he surely strays off a manifest straying. Dr. Ghali : And in no way should a male believer or a female believer, when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a Command, have the choice in their Command. Whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, then he has readily erred away into evident error. Tafsir Jalalayn : And it is not [fitting] for any believing man or believing woman, when God and His Messenger have decided on a matter, to have (read takūna or yakūna) a choice in their matter, in contravention of the decision of God and His Messenger. This [verse] was revealed regarding ‘Abd Allāh b. Jahsh and his sister Zaynab, whose hand the Prophet had asked for in marriage, but meaning on behalf of Zayd b. Hāritha. They were loathe to this [proposal] when they found out [that it was on the latter’s behalf], for they had thought that the Prophet (s) wanted to marry her himself. But afterwards they consented because of the [following part of the] verse: And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger has certainly strayed into manifest error. Thus the Prophet (s) gave her in marriage to Zayd. Then on one occasion he [the Prophet] caught sight of her and felt love for her, whereafter [when he realised that] Zayd lost his affection for her and so said to the Prophet (s), ‘I want to part with her’. But the Prophet said to him, ‘Retain your wife for yourself’, as God, exalted be He, says: Tagalog : At hindi marapat sa sinumang mananampalataya, lalaki man o babae, na kapag nagpasiya ang Allâh at ang Kanyang Sugo para sa kanila ng isang kapasiyahan bilang batas ay lalabag sila, na pipiliin nila ang anumang hindi pinagpasiyahan para sa kanila. At ang sinumang lalabag sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo ay walang pag-aalinlangang lumayo sa Tamang Landas nang malinaw na pagkakalayo. ![]() 33.37Hassanor Alapa : Go gowani a gii nka tharoon ko (taw) a inipangalimo o Allāh skaniyan ago inipangalimo 1188 oka skaniyan a kpt inka si karoma nka ago kalkn ka so Allāh sa isosoln ka sii sa ginawa nka so nganin a so Allāh na phayagn Iyan, ago ipkhalk ka so manga taw a so Allāh i patot a ikalk ka na gowani a makatonay ron so Zayd sa kabaya (so talak) na piakipangaroma mi skaniyan sii rka ka an da a khaadn ko miamaratiaya a margn sii ko manga karoma (a manga babay) o pimbabawata iran (a manga mama) amay ka makatonay siran on sa kabaya (so kandai ran on) go miaadn so sogoan o Allāh a mapnggolawla dn Muhsin Khan : And (remember) when you said to him (Zaid bin Harithah, the freedslave of the Prophet SAW) on whom Allah has bestowed Grace (by guiding him to Islam) and you (O Muhammad SAW too) have done favour (by manumitting him) "Keep your wife to yourself, and fear Allah." But you did hide in yourself (i.e. what Allah has already made known to you that He will give her to you in marriage) that which Allah will make manifest, you did fear the people (i.e., Muhammad SAW married the divorced wife of his manumitted slave) whereas Allah had a better right that you should fear Him. So when Zaid had accomplished his desire from her (i.e. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e. they have divorced them). And Allah's Command must be fulfilled. Sahih International : And [remember, O Muhammad], when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed favor and you bestowed favor, "Keep your wife and fear Allah ," while you concealed within yourself that which Allah is to disclose. And you feared the people, while Allah has more right that you fear Him. So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort concerning the wives of their adopted sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command of Allah accomplished. Pickthall : And when thou saidst unto him on whom Allah hath conferred favour and thou hast conferred favour: Keep thy wife to thyself, and fear Allah. And thou didst hide in thy mind that which Allah was to bring to light, and thou didst fear mankind whereas Allah hath a better right that thou shouldst fear Him. So when Zeyd had performed that necessary formality (of divorce) from her, We gave her unto thee in marriage, so that (henceforth) there may be no sin for believers in respect of wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have performed the necessary formality (of release) from them. The commandment of Allah must be fulfilled. Yusuf Ali : Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favour: "Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah." But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah's command must be fulfilled. Shakir : And when you said to him to whom Allah had shown favor and to whom you had shown a favor: Keep your wife to yourself and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; and you concealed in your soul what Allah would bring to light, and you feared men, and Allah had a greater right that you should fear Him. But when Zaid had accomplished his want of her, We gave her to you as a wife, so that there should be no difficulty for the believers in respect of the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them; and Allah's command shall be performed. Dr. Ghali : And as you (This is addressed to the prophet) have said to him on whom Allah has (graciously) favored and you have (much) favored, "Retain your spouse to yourself, and be pious to Allah, " and you were concealing within yourself what Allah would display, and being apprehensive of mankind; and Allah truly has better right for you to be apprehensive of Him. So, as soon as Zayd had accomplished what he would of her, (i.e., accomplished his purpose, and divorced her. The reference is to Zaynab) We espoused her to you so that there should not be any restriction for the believers concerning the spouses of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished what they would of them; and the Command of Allah has been performed. Tafsir Jalalayn : And when (idh is dependent because of [an implied preceding] udhkur, ‘mention [when]’) you said to him to whom God had shown favour, by [guiding him to] Islam, and to whom you [too] had shown favour: by manumitting him — this was Zayd b. Hāritha, who had been a prisoner of war before [the coming of] Islam (in the period of al-jāhiliyya). The Messenger of God (s) purchased him before his call to prophethood, and then manumitted him and adopted him as his son — ‘Retain your wife for yourself and fear God’, before divorcing her. But you had hidden in your heart what God was to disclose, [what] He was to manifest of your love for her and of [the fact] that should Zayd part with her you would marry her, and you feared people, would say, ‘He has married his son’s wife!’, though God is worthier that you should fear Him, in all things, so take her in marriage and do not be concerned with what people say. Zayd subsequently divorced her and her [obligatory] waiting period was completed. God, exalted be He, says: So when Zayd had fulfilled whatever need he had of her, We joined her in marriage to you — the Prophet consummated his marriage with her without [the customary] permission [from her legal guardian] and gratified the Muslims with [a feast of] bread and meat — so that there may not be any restriction for the believers in respect of the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have fulfilled whatever wish they have of them. And God’s commandment, that which He has decreed, is bound to be realised. Tagalog : At tandaan noong sinabi mo, O Muhammad, sa kanya – na biniyayaan ng Allâh ng Islâm, na siya ay si Zayd Ibnu Harithah na pinalayang-alipin at inampon ng Propeta – at biniyayaan siya sa pamamagitan ng pagpapalaya sa kanya: Panatilihin mo ang iyong asawa na si Zainab Bint (anak ni) Jahsh na huwag mong hiwalayan, at katakutan mo ang Allâh, O Zayd! Subali’t kinikimkim mo sa iyong sarili, O Muhammad, ang anumang ipinahayag ng Allâh sa iyo, na paghiwalay ni Zayd sa kanyang asawa at pagkatapos ay ibibigay Niya siya sa iyo bilang iyong asawa, at ang Allâh ay inilantad Niya ang anumang kinimkim mo, at natatakot ka sa mga taong mapagkunwari na sasabihin nila: Pinakasalan ni Muhammad ang hiniwalayan ng kanyang inampon, gayong ang Allâh ay Siyang higit na may karapatan na dapat mong katakutan.
![]() 33.38Hassanor Alapa : Da a miaadn a patoray ko Nabī a pd sa dosa ko nganin a hialal on o Allāh (a kipantag) sosonan o Allāh ko siran oto a miaipos sa onaan go miaadn so sogoan o Allāh a dianka a madidianka Muhsin Khan : There is no blame on the Prophet (SAW) in that which Allah has made legal for him.That has been Allah's Way with those who have passed away of (the Prophets of) old. And the Command of Allah is a decree determined. Sahih International : There is not to be upon the Prophet any discomfort concerning that which Allah has imposed upon him. [This is] the established way of Allah with those [prophets] who have passed on before. And ever is the command of Allah a destiny decreed. Pickthall : There is no reproach for the Prophet in that which Allah maketh his due. That was Allah's way with those who passed away of old - and the commandment of Allah is certain destiny - Yusuf Ali : There can be no difficulty to the Prophet in what Allah has indicated to him as a duty. It was the practice (approved) of Allah amongst those of old that have passed away. And the command of Allah is a decree determined. Shakir : There is no harm in the Prophet doing that which Allah has ordained for him; such has been the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and the command of Allah is a decree that is made absolute: Dr. Ghali : In no way is there any restriction on the Prophet concerning what Allah has ordained for him. (This is) the Enactment of Allah with the ones who passed away earlier- and the Command of Allah has (always) been a perfectly determined determination- Tafsir Jalalayn : There is no restriction for the Prophet in what God has ordained, [in what] He has made lawful, for him: [that is] God’s precedent (sunnata’Llāhi is in the accusative because the operator of the oblique has been removed [from the oblique construction ka-sunnati’Llāhi, ‘as is God’s precedent’) with those who passed away before, of prophets, which is that there is no restriction for them in this respect, a [special] dispensation for them regarding marriage — and God’s commandment, what He does, is inexorable destiny Tagalog : Hindi kasalanan sa Propeta na si Muhammad (saw) sa ipinahintulot ng Allâh sa kanya na mapangasawa niya ang naging asawa ng kanyang inampon pagkatapos itong hiwalayan, na katulad ng pagpapahintulot sa mga naunang Propeta bago ang pagkakapadala sa kanya, na ito ay batas ng Allâh noon pa man sa mga naunang tao, at ang pag-aatas ng Allâh ay itinakda na karapat-dapat na maisakatuparan. ![]() 33.39Hassanor Alapa : Siran oto so ipzampay ran so manga sogoan o Allāh ago ipkhalk iran Skaniyan, go daa ikhalk iran a isa bo a rowar ko Allāh, sa ampl dn so Allāh a Pagiisip. Muhsin Khan : Those who convey the Message of Allah and fear Him, and fear none save Allah. And Sufficient is Allah as a Reckoner. Sahih International : [ Allah praises] those who convey the messages of Allah and fear Him and do not fear anyone but Allah . And sufficient is Allah as Accountant. Pickthall : Who delivered the messages of Allah and feared Him, and feared none save Allah. Allah keepeth good account. Yusuf Ali : (It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah. And enough is Allah to call (men) to account. Shakir : Those who deliver the messages of Allah and fear Him, and do not fear any one but Allah; and Allah is sufficient to take account. Dr. Ghali : Who constantly proclaim the Messages of Allah and are apprehensive of Him and are not apprehensive of any one except Allah; and Allah suffices as Ever-Reckoner. Tafsir Jalalayn : — [those] who (alladhīna qualifies the previous alladhīna) deliver the Messages of God and fear Him, and fear no one except Him, and therefore they do not fear what people [might] say about that which God has made lawful for them. And God suffices as Reckoner, as keeper of the deeds of His creatures and [as One] to reckon with them. Tagalog : Ang mga yaong ipinarating ang mensahe ng Allâh sa sangkatauhan at natakot sila sa Allâh na Bukod-Tangi, na wala silang kinakatakutan na sinuman bukod sa Kanya. At sapat na ang Allâh bilang Tagapaghukom sa Kanyang mga alipin sa lahat ng kanilang mga gawain at Tagapagmasid sa kanila. ![]() 33.40Hassanor Alapa : Da maadn so Mohammad a ama o isa rkano, ogaid na 1189 sogo’ o Allāh ago kaposan o manga Nabī, miaadn so Allāh ko kalangowan a shayi a lbi a Matao Muhsin Khan : Muhammad (SAW) is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last (end) of the Prophets. And Allah is Ever AllAware of everything. Sahih International : Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing. Pickthall : Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things. Yusuf Ali : Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things. Shakir : Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things. Dr. Ghali : In no way is Muhammad the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal (Or: Terminator; Last) of the Prophets; and Allah has been Ever-Knowing of everything. Tafsir Jalalayn : Muhammad is not the father of any man among you: he is not Zayd’s biological father and so it is not unlawful for him to marry his [former] wife Zaynab [after him]; but, he is, the Messenger of God and the Seal of the Prophets, and so he will not have a son that is a [fully grown] man to be a prophet after him (a variant reading [for khātim al-nabiyyīna] has khātam al-nabiyyīn, as in the instrument [known as a] ‘seal’, in other words, their [prophethood] has been sealed by him). And God has knowledge of all things, among these is the fact that there will be no prophet after him, and even when the lord Jesus descends [at the end of days] he will rule according to his [Muhammad’s] Law. Tagalog : Si Muhammad (saw) ay hindi ama ng kahit na sinuman sa inyo na mga kalalakihan, kundi siya ay Sugo ng Allâh at ang pinakaselyado o pinakahuli sa lahat ng mga Propeta, kaya wala nang Propetang isusugo pagkatapos niya hanggang sa Araw ng Muling Pagkabuhay. At ang Allâh ay ‘`Aleem’ – Ganap na Nakaaalam sa lahat ng bagay na inyong ginagawa at walang anuman ang naililihim sa Kanya. ![]() 33.41Hassanor Alapa : Hay so miamaratiaya tadmi niyo so Allāh sa tadm a madakl Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. Sahih International : O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance Pickthall : O ye who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance. Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do this often; Shakir : O you who believe! remember Allah, remembering frequently, Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance. Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe! Remember God with much remembrance. Tagalog : O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh at sumunod sa Kanyang Sugo, purihin ninyo ang Allâh sa pamamagitan ng inyong puso at mga dila at buo ninyong pangangatawan nang maraming papuri, ![]() 33.42Hassanor Alapa : Go tasbihn iyo Skaniyan sa kapitapita ago kagabigabi Muhsin Khan : And glorify His Praises morning and afternoon [the early morning (Fajr) and 'Asr prayers]. Sahih International : And exalt Him morning and afternoon. Pickthall : And glorify Him early and late. Yusuf Ali : And glorify Him morning and evening. Shakir : And glorify Him morning and evening. Dr. Ghali : And extol Him before sunrise and before sunset. Tafsir Jalalayn : And glorify Him morning and evening, in other words, at the beginning of the day and at the end of it. Tagalog : Maging abala kayo sa mga oras ninyo sa pagpuri sa Allâh sa umaga at hapon, at pagkatapos ng inyong mga obligadong ‘Salâh,’ at sa mga pagbabago ng mga pangyayari at mga kadahilanan, dahil ito ay ipinag-uutos bilang pagsamba sa Allâh, na nag-aakay tungo sa pagmamahal ng Allâh, at pagpigil sa dila sa anumang pagsasabi ng mga kasalanan at nag-aakay tungo sa paggawa ng lahat ng kabutihan. ![]() 33.43Hassanor Alapa : Skaniyan so pzalawatan kano niyan ago so manga malāikat 1190 Iyan ka an kano Niyan miliyo phoon ko manga lilibotng sii ko sindaw, ago miaadn Skaniyan ko miamaratiaya a Masalinggagawn Muhsin Khan : He it is Who sends Salat (His blessings) on you, and His angels too (ask Allah to bless and forgive you), that He may bring you out from darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of Belief and Islamic Monotheism). And He is Ever Most Merciful to the believers. Sahih International : It is He who confers blessing upon you, and His angels [ask Him to do so] that He may bring you out from darknesses into the light. And ever is He, to the believers, Merciful. Pickthall : He it is Who blesseth you, and His angels (bless you), that He may bring you forth from darkness unto light; and He is ever Merciful to the believers. Yusuf Ali : He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels, that He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: and He is Full of Mercy to the Believers. Shakir : He it is Who sends His blessings on you, and (so do) His angels, that He may bring you forth out of utter darkness into the light; and He is Merciful to the believers. Dr. Ghali : He is (The One) Who (responds) to your prayers, and His Angels (respond) (By Allah's command) to bring you out of the darkness (es) into the light; and He has been Ever-Merciful to the believers. Tafsir Jalalayn : It is He Who blesses you, that is to say, Who shows mercy to you, and His angels, ask forgiveness for you, that He may bring you forth, that He may always bring you forth, from darkness, namely, [from] disbelief, into light, namely, faith. And He is Merciful to the believers. Tagalog : Siya ang Allâh na nagmamahal at pumupuri at nagpaparangal sa inyo, at nanalangin din para sa inyo ang Kanyang mga anghel; upang alisin kayo mula sa kadiliman ng kamangmangan at pagkaligaw tungo sa Liwanag ng Islâm, at ang Allâh ay Pinakamapagmahal sa mga mananampalataya sa daigdig at Kabilang-Buhay, at hindi Niya sila pinarurusahan hanggang sila ay sumusunod na dalisay ang kanilang mga layunin. ![]() 33.44Hassanor Alapa : Aya pammmgayan iran sa sa gawii a matmo iran Skaniyan (a Allāh) na Salam, ago piagtadan Iyan siran sa balas a masakaw Muhsin Khan : Their greeting on the Day they shall meet Him will be "Salam: Peace (i.e. the angels will say to them: Salamu 'Alaikum)!" And He has prepared for them a generous reward (i.e. Paradise). Sahih International : Their greeting the Day they meet Him will be, "Peace." And He has prepared for them a noble reward. Pickthall : Their salutation on the day when they shall meet Him will be: Peace. And He hath prepared for them a goodly recompense. Yusuf Ali : Their salutation on the Day they meet Him will be "Peace!"; and He has prepared for them a generous Reward. Shakir : Their salutation on the day that they meet Him shall be, Peace, and He has prepared for them an honourable reward. Dr. Ghali : Their greeting, on the Day when they will meet Him, will be "Peace!" And He has prepared for them an honorable reward. Tafsir Jalalayn : Their greeting, from Him, exalted be He, on the day they encounter Him will be ‘Peace’, [extended to them] by the tongues of the angels. And He has prepared for them a noble reward, namely, Paradise. Tagalog : Ang pagbabatian para sa kanila na mga mananampalataya mula sa Allâh sa ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin) sa Araw na makatatagpo nila ang Allâh ay ‘Salâm’ (kapayapaan), at kaligtasan para sa kanila mula sa kaparusahan ng Allâh. At walang pag-aalinlangang inihanda ng Allâh sa kanila ang masaganang gantimpala na ito ay ‘Al-Jannah’ – Hardin. ![]() 33.45Hassanor Alapa : Hay Nabī mataan a siogo Ami ska a saksi ago phamanothol ko manga pipia ago phangangalk ko siksa Muhsin Khan : O Prophet (MuhammadSAW )! Verily, We have sent you as witness, and a bearer of glad tidings, and a warner, Sahih International : O Prophet, indeed We have sent you as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. Pickthall : O Prophet! Lo! We have sent thee as a witness and a bringer of good tidings and a warner. Yusuf Ali : O Prophet! Truly We have sent thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner,- Shakir : O Prophet! surely We have sent you as a witness, and as a bearer of good news and as a warner, Dr. Ghali : O you Prophet, surely We have sent you as a witness, and a bearer of good tidings, and a constant warner, Tafsir Jalalayn : O Prophet! Indeed We have sent you as a witness, against those to whom you have were sent, and as a bearer of good tidings, for those who affirm your sincerity, of Paradise, and as a warner, for those who deny you, of the [punishment of the] Fire, Tagalog : O Propeta! Katiyakan, ipinadala ka Namin bilang testigo sa iyong sambayanan na naiparating mo sa kanila ang mensahe, at isang tagapagdala ng magandang balita sa mga mananampalataya hinggil sa Habag ng Allâh at Kanyang ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin), at isang Tagapagbabala sa mga masasama at walang pananampalataya hinggil sa Impiyernong-Apoy, ![]() 33.46Hassanor Alapa : Go pphanolon ko Allāh sa idin Iyan ago palitaan a masindaw Muhsin Khan : And as one who invites to Allah [Islamic Monotheism, i.e. to worship none but Allah (Alone)] by His Leave, and as a lamp spreading light (through your instructions from the Quran and the Sunnah the legal ways of the Prophet SAW ). Sahih International : And one who invites to Allah , by His permission, and an illuminating lamp. Pickthall : And as a summoner unto Allah by His permission, and as a lamp that giveth light. Yusuf Ali : And as one who invites to Allah's (grace) by His leave, and as a lamp spreading light. Shakir : And as one inviting to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving torch. Dr. Ghali : And a Caller to Allah by His permission, and as an enlightening luminary. Tafsir Jalalayn : and as a summoner to God, to obedience to Him, by His leave, by His command, and as a illuminating lamp, in other words, the equivalent of it, in terms of one’s being able to find guidance therewith. Tagalog : At nag-aanyaya tungo sa Kaisahan ng Allâh at bukod-tanging pagsamba lamang sa Kanya bilang pag-uutos Niya nito sa iyo, at bilang isang ilawan na kumakalat na liwanag sa sinumang nagnanais na maliwanagan nito, na kung kaya, ang gawain mo ay malinaw sa anumang dala-dala mong katotohanan na kasingliwanag ng sikat ng araw, na walang sinumang tatanggi nito maliban sa isang nagmamatigas. ![]() 33.47Hassanor Alapa : Panothol anka (hay Mohammad) ko miamaratiaya a adn a rk iran a phoon ko Allāh a kalbihan a mala. Muhsin Khan : And announce to the believers (in the Oneness of Allah and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW) the glad tidings, that they will have from Allah a Great Bounty. Sahih International : And give good tidings to the believers that they will have from Allah great bounty. Pickthall : And announce unto the believers the good tidings that theywill have great bounty from Allah. Yusuf Ali : Then give the Glad Tidings to the Believers, that they shall have from Allah a very great Bounty. Shakir : And give to the believers the good news that they shall have a great grace from Allah. Dr. Ghali : And give good tidings to the believers that they will have great Grace from Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : And give good tidings to the believers that there will be for them a great bounty from God, namely, Paradise. Tagalog : At ipahayag mo, O Muhammad, ang magandang balita para sa mga mananampalataya na ang para sa kanila mula sa Allâh ay Dakilang Gantimpala na ito ay mga Hardin sa parang sa ‘Al-Jannah.’ ![]() 33.48Hassanor Alapa : Oba nka onoti so manga kafir ago so manga monafiq sa bagakn ka so ringasa iran, sa zarakan ka ko Allāh ka phakaampl so Allāh a Sasarigan Muhsin Khan : And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and harm them not (till you are ordered). And put your trust in Allah, and Sufficient is Allah as a Wakil (Trustee, or Disposer of affairs). Sahih International : And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites but do not harm them, and rely upon Allah . And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs. Pickthall : And incline not to the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Disregard their noxious talk, and put thy trust in Allah. Allah is sufficient as Trustee. Yusuf Ali : And obey not (the behests) of the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and heed not their annoyances, but put thy Trust in Allah. For enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. Shakir : And be not compliant to the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and leave unregarded their annoying talk, and rely on Allah; and Allah is sufficient as a Protector. Dr. Ghali : And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites; and disregard their hurt, and put your trust in Allah; and Allah suffices as an Ever-Trusted Trustee. Tafsir Jalalayn : And do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites, in [assenting to do] what contravenes your Law; and disregard, leave aside, their injuriousness — do not retaliate against them for it until you receive a command [from God] regarding [how to deal with] them. And put your trust in God, for He will suffice you, and God suffices as Guardian, One to Whom matters are entrusted. Tagalog : At huwag mong sundin, O Muhammad, ang mga walang pananampalataya at mga mapagkunwari sa kanilang sinasabi at huwag mo silang pagtuunan ng pansin, at hindi sila makahahadlang sa pagpaparating mo ng mensahe, at magtiwala ka nang buung-buo sa Allâh sa lahat ng iyong gawain at ipaubaya mo ang iyong sarili sa Kanya; dahil Siya sa katunayan ay sapat na sa iyo bilang ‘Wakeel’ – Tagapangalaga sa anumang iyong pasanin hinggil sa mga bagay na makamundo at sa Kabilang-Buhay. ![]() 33.49Hassanor Alapa : Hay miamaratiaya igira piangaroma niyo so miamaratiayaa babay oriyan iyan na talakn iyo siran ko da niyo kiran pn kalawasi 1191 na da a rk iyo a iddah 1192 a khiidda iyo kiran, na bgi niyo siran sa pammgayan (mut’ah) sa bokai niyo siran sa samporna a kaboka (katalak) Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! When you marry believing women, and then divorce them before you have sexual intercourse with them, no 'Iddah [divorce prescribed period, see (V.65:4)] have you to count in respect of them. So give them a present, and set them free i.e. divorce, in a handsome manner. Sahih International : O You who have believed, when you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them, then there is not for you any waiting period to count concerning them. So provide for them and give them a gracious release. Pickthall : O ye who believe! If ye wed believing women and divorce them before ye have touched them, then there is no period that ye should reckon. But content them and release them handsomely. Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! When ye marry believing women, and then divorce them before ye have touched them, no period of 'Iddat have ye to count in respect of them: so give them a present. And set them free in a handsome manner. Shakir : O you who believe! when you marry the believing women, then divorce them before you touch them, you have in their case no term which you should reckon; so make some provision for them and send them forth a goodly sending forth. Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, when you marry women believers, thereafter divorce them even before you touch them, then in no way do you have any (fixed) spell (In Arabic ciddah, a definite number of days calculated) to calculate against them; so allow them (the necessary) enjoyment, and release them a becoming release. Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe if you marry believing women and then divorce them before you have touched them (read tamassūhunna or tumāsūhunna) that is, before you have copulated with them, there shall be no [waiting] period for you to reckon against them, [no] waiting period [needed to preclude pregnancy] or otherwise. But provide for them, give them what they can use for [securing] comforts, in cases where no dowry has been fixed for them; otherwise theirs is to retain half of what was fixed, but no more — this is what Ibn ‘Abbās said and it is [the opinion] followed by al-Shāfi‘ī’; and release them in a gracious manner, leave them be without [the intention to cause them any] harm. Tagalog : O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh, sa Kanyang Sugo at sumunod sa Kanyang batas! Kapag kayo ay nagpakasal sa mga mananampalatayang kababaihan at hindi nangyari ang pagtatalik sa kanila pagkatapos at hiniwalayan ninyo sila nang hindi ito nangyari, ay wala na kayong karapatan sa kanila na magkaroon pa ng ‘Iddah’ (nakatakdang panahon ng paghihintay) bago sila maaaring makapag-asawang muli. Na kung kaya, bigyan ninyo sila mula sa inyong mga yaman bilang pagpapasaya sa kanila na nababatay sa inyong kakayahan, na bilang pampalubag-loob din sa kanila, at bigyan ninyo sila ng kalayaan sa napakahusay na kaparaanan at ilihim ninyo ang pangyayari hanggang maaari, na sila ay hindi mapapahiya o mapapahamak man. ![]() 33.50Hassanor Alapa : Hay Nabī hialal Ami rka so manga karoma nka a so minibgay nka so manga 1193 btang kiran ago so mipapaar o lima nka a pd ko inibgay rka o Allāh, ago so wata a babay o bapa aka ki ama aka ago so wata a babay o bapa aka ki ina aka ago so wata a babay o babo oka ki ama aka ago so wata a babay o babo oka ki ina aka a so tomiogalin a pd ka ago sa babay a mapaparatiaya amay ka ithawakim iyan a ginawa niyan sii ko Nabī na amay ka kabayaan o Nabī a kapangaromaa niyan on sa snggay sii rka bo a di ron pd so miamaratiaya sabnar a katawan Ami so inipaliogat Ami sii kiran sii ko manga karoma iran ago so mipapaar o manga lima iran ka an da a khaadn rka a margn sa miaadn so Allāh a Paririla a Masalinggagawn Muhsin Khan : O Prophet (Muhammad SAW)! Verily, We have made lawful to you your wives, to whom you have paid their Mahr (bridal money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), and those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses - whom Allah has given to you, and the daughters of your 'Amm (paternal uncles) and the daughters of your 'Ammah (paternal aunts) and the daughters of your Khal (maternal uncles) and the daughters of your Khalah (maternal aunts) who migrated (from Makkah) with you, and a believing woman if she offers herself to the Prophet, and the Prophet wishes to marry her; a privilege for you only, not for the (rest of) the believers. Indeed We know what We have enjoined upon them about their wives and those (captives or slaves) whom their right hands possess, - in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful. Sahih International : O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her, [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers. We certainly know what We have made obligatory upon them concerning their wives and those their right hands possess, [but this is for you] in order that there will be upon you no discomfort. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. Pickthall : O Prophet! Lo! We have made lawful unto thee thy wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war, and the daughters of thine uncle on the father's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the father's side, and the daughters of thine uncle on the mother's side and the daughters of thine aunts on the mother's side who emigrated with thee, and a believing woman if she give herself unto the Prophet and the Prophet desire to ask her in marriage - a privilege for thee only, not for the (rest of) believers - We are Aware of that which We enjoined upon them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess - that thou mayst be free from blame, for Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Yusuf Ali : O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Shakir : O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her-- specially for you, not for the (rest of) believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Dr. Ghali : O you paternal Prophet, surely We have made lawful for you your spouses to whom you have brought their rewards, and what your right hand possesses of what Allah has conceded you (as war prisoners), and the daughters of your paternal uncle, and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncle, and the daughters of your maternal aunts maternal who have emigrated with you, and (any) believing woman (Literally: wife) in case she bestows herself to the Prophet, in case the Prophet is willing to marry her. (Or: marry her anyone) (This is) for you exclusively, apart from the believers. We already know what We have ordained upon them concerning their spouses and what their hands possess, so that there may be no restriction on you. And Allah has been Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Tafsir Jalalayn : O Prophet! Indeed We have made lawful for you your wives whom you have given their dowries and what your right hand owns, of those whom God has given you as spoils of war, from the disbelievers, [whom you have] taken captive, such as Safiyya and Juwayriyya, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you, as opposed to those who did not emigrate, and any believing woman if she gift herself [in marriage] to the Prophet and if the Prophet desire to take her in marriage, and ask for her hand in marriage without paying [her] a dowry — a privilege for you exclusively, not for the [rest of the] believers (nikāh, ‘marriage’, when expressed by the term hiba, ‘gift’, denotes [marriage] without dowry). Indeed We know what We have imposed upon them, namely, the believers, with respect to their wives, in the way of rulings, to the effect that they should not take more than four wives and should only marry with [the consent of] a legal guardian, [the presence of] witnesses and [the payment of] a dowry, and, with respect to, what their right hands own, of slavegirls, in the way of purchase or otherwise, so that the handmaiden be one lawful for her master, such as a slavegirl belonging to the People of the Scripture (kitābiyya), and not a Magian or an idolater, and that she should be ascertained [as not carrying child] with the necessary waiting period (istibrā’) before copulation; so that (li-kaylā is semantically connected to what came before [this last statement]) there may be no [unnecessary] restriction for you, [no] constraint in marriage [for you]. And God is Forgiving, of what is difficult to guard against, Merciful, in giving dispensations [allowing for latitude] in this respect. Tagalog : O Propeta! Katiyakan, ipinahintulot Namin sa iyo ang iyong mga asawa, na kung saan naibigay mo sa kanila ang kanilang mga ‘Mahr,’ at ganoon din ipinahintulot din Namin sa iyo ang sinumang babae na naging alipin mo mula sa mga ipinagkaloob ng Allâh na biyaya sa iyo, at ipinahintulot din Namin sa iyo na mapangasawa ang mga anak na babae ng iyong tiyuhin sa ama at ang mga anak na babae ng iyong tiyahin sa ama, at ang mga anak na babae ng iyong tiyuhin sa ina at ang mga anak na babae ng iyong tiyahin sa ina na nangibang-bayan kasama ka, at ipinahintulot din Namin sa iyo na mapangasawa ang sinumang mananampalatayang babae na inialok niya bilang mapapangasawa ang kanyang sarili sa iyo nang walang anumang ‘Mahr’ kung nais mo na siya ay iyong mapangasawa, at ang ganitong panuntunan ay para lamang sa iyo, subali’t hindi maaari sa iba na pakakasalan nila nang walang ‘Mahr’ ang babaeng nag-alok ng kanyang sarili bilang mapapangasawa.
![]() 33.51Hassanor Alapa : Pthaalikn ka so khabayaan ka kiran (ko kapagalongan) sa pphakaiga rka so khabayaan ka kiran go sa taw a kabayaan ka ko taw a piokas ka (ko alongan) na da a dosa nka on sa gioto i marani a kaphakapia a ginawa iran sa di siran makamboko ago masoat siran ko nganin a inibgay nka kiran langon siran, so Allāh na katawan Iyan so madadalm ko manga poso’ iyo ka so Allāh na Matao a Matigr Muhsin Khan : You (O Muhammad SAW) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive whom you will. And whomsoever you desire of those whom you have set aside (her turn temporarily), it is no sin on you (to receive her again), that is better; that they may be comforted and not grieved, and may all be pleased with what you give them. Allah knows what is in your hearts. And Allah is Ever AllKnowing, Most Forbearing. Sahih International : You, [O Muhammad], may put aside whom you will of them or take to yourself whom you will. And any that you desire of those [wives] from whom you had [temporarily] separated - there is no blame upon you [in returning her]. That is more suitable that they should be content and not grieve and that they should be satisfied with what you have given them - all of them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts. And ever is Allah Knowing and Forbearing. Pickthall : Thou canst defer whom thou wilt of them and receive unto thee whom thou wilt, and whomsoever thou desirest of those whom thou hast set aside (temporarily), it is no sin for thee (to receive her again); that is better; that they may be comforted and not grieve, and may all be pleased with what thou givest them. Allah knoweth what is in your hearts (O men), and Allah is ever Forgiving, Clement. Yusuf Ali : Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction - that of all of them - with that which thou hast to give them: and Allah knows (all) that is in your hearts: and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing. Shakir : You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you had separated provisionally; no blame attaches to you; this is most proper, so that their eyes may be cool and they may not grieve, and that they should be pleased, all of them with what you give them, and Allah knows what is in your hearts; and Allah is Knowing, Forbearing. Dr. Ghali : You may put off whom you decide of them, and you may give abode to whom you decide of them; and whomever you seek (again) of the ones you have kept apart, then there is no fault in you. That (makes) it likelier for them to comfort (Literally: so that their eyes may settle down) their eyes and not to grieve, and for all of them to be satisfied with what you bring them. And Allah knows what is in your hearts; and Allah has been Ever-Knowing, Ever-Forbearing. Tafsir Jalalayn : You may put off (read turji’ or turjī), you may postpone [consorting with], whomever of them you wish, namely, of your wives, from their turn [for intimacy], and consort, embrace [in conjugality], whomever you wish, of them, and come unto her, and as for whomever you may desire of those whom you have set aside, from their share, you would not be at fault, to desire her and consort with her [again]. He was given the choice in this respect after it had been obligatory for him to give each wife her [equal] share [of conjugality]. That, freedom of choice, makes it likelier that they will be comforted and not grieve, and that they will be satisfied with what you give them, of what has been mentioned of your freedom to choose [whom to consort with], every one of them (kulluhunna emphasises the subject of [the verb] yardayna, ‘they will be satisfied’) will be well-pleased with what you give her. And God knows what is in your hearts, with respect to [your] women and [your] preferring some [to others]. We have given you the freedom to choose [from among them] in order to make it easier for you to have what you desire. And God is Knower, of His creatures, Forbearing, in refraining from punishing them. Tagalog : Maaari mong iantala ang sinuman na iyong nais mula sa iyong asawa hinggil sa kanyang karapatan na bahagi ng panahon na para sa kanya na ikaw ay makikitulog sa kanya, at isinasama mo sa iyong paglalakbay ang sinuman na iyong nais sa kanila, at sinuman ang nais mo na iyong inantala mula sa kanila ang kanyang karapatan na panahon, ay wala kang kasalanan hinggil sa bagay na ito, dahil itong ginawa mong pagpili ay mas malapit doon sa kanilang kasiyahan at hindi sila nagdalamhati, na masiyahan silang lahat sa anumang pagbaha-bahagi ng panahon na ginawa mo sa kanila. At ang Allâh ay Siyang Ganap na Nakaaalam sa mga puso ng mga kalalakihan kung sino ang mas malapit sa kanila mula sa kanilang mga asawa na higit kaysa sa iba. At ang Allâh ay ‘`Aleem’ – Ganap na Nakaaalam sa niloloob ng mga puso, na ‘Haleem’ – Ganap Maunawain na hindi Niya minamadali ang parusa sa sinumang lumabag sa Kanya. ![]() 33.52Hassanor Alapa : Di rka khahalal so manga babay ko oriyan oto go di pn o ba nka siran sambii sa manga karoma apia pn inikabngang ka so kataid iran inonta so mipapaar o lima nka (oripn) sa miaadn so Allāh ko kalangowan a shayi a Tomitikay Muhsin Khan : It is not lawful for you (to marry other) women after this, nor to change them for other wives even though their beauty attracts you, except those (captives or slaves) whom your right hand possesses. And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things. Sahih International : Not lawful to you, [O Muhammad], are [any additional] women after [this], nor [is it] for you to exchange them for [other] wives, even if their beauty were to please you, except what your right hand possesses. And ever is Allah , over all things, an Observer. Pickthall : It is not allowed thee to take (other) women henceforth, nor that thou shouldst change them for other wives even though their beauty pleased thee, save those whom thy right hand possesseth. And Allah is ever Watcher over all things. Yusuf Ali : It is not lawful for thee (to marry more) women after this, nor to change them for (other) wives, even though their beauty attract thee, except any thy right hand should possess (as handmaidens): and Allah doth watch over all things. Shakir : It is not allowed to you to take women afterwards, nor that you should change them for other wives, though their beauty be pleasing to you, except what your right hand possesses and Allah is Watchful over all things. Dr. Ghali : Hereafter women are not lawful to you, neither for you to take other spouses in exchange for them, even if their fairness (may) make you admire them except what your right hand possesses; and Allah has (always) been Ever-Watchful over everything. Tafsir Jalalayn : Women are not lawful for you (read lā tahillu, or lā yahillu) beyond that, beyond the nine that have chosen you [as their husband], nor [is it lawful] for you to change (tabaddala: one of the two original tā’ letters [of tatabaddala] has been omitted) them for other wives, by divorcing them or some of them and marry in place of those whom you divorce, even though their beauty impress you, except those whom your right hand owns, of slavegirls, which is [in contrast] lawful for you. In addition to these [slavegirls] the Prophet (s) came to own Māriya [the Copt]. She bore for him Ibrāhīm, who died during his lifetime. And God is Watcher over, Preserver [of], all things. Tagalog : Hindi na ipinahintulot sa iyo na mapangasawa ang ibang mga kababaihan pagkatapos nito (ang mga napakasalan mo na nasa ilalim ng iyong pangangalaga bilang asawa) at maging ang mga yaong ipinahintulot Namin sa iyo – na sila ay ang mga yaong nabanggit sa ika-50 talata ng parehong kabanata – at ang sinumang nasa ilalim ng iyong pangangalaga na mga asawa mo mula sa mga kababaihan na nabanggit ay hindi mo maaaring hiwalayan at mag-asawa ka ng iba bilang kapalit nila, kahit na ang ganda pa nito ay kaakit-akit sa iyo, subali’t ang pag-aasawa bilang karagdagan sa mga asawa mo na hindi ka gagawa ng paghiwalay ng kahit na isa sa kanila ay walang kasalanan para sa iyo, at sinumang nasa ilalim ng iyong pangangalaga na pagmamay-ari mong alipin ay ipinahintulot sila sa iyo na mapangasawa kung ito ay nais mo. At ang Allâh ay ‘Raqeeb’ – Ganap na Tagapagmasid sa lahat ng bagay nang sabay-sabay na walang anuman ang naililihim sa Kanyang Kaalaman. ![]() 33.53Hassanor Alapa : Hay so miamaratiaya di kano pzold ko manga walay o Nabī inonta bo o kaidini (tawaga) kano sa 1194 kakan sa pangn’nkn a di niyo nanayawn (ko walay o Nabi) so kakhaloto iyan, ogaid na amay ka talowan kano na sold kano na anda dn i kapakakan iyo na liyo kano sa di kano nomanayaw mamakin’g sa thotol, ka gioto rkano na phakaringasa ko Nabī na pkhaya rkano na so Allāh na da a ikhaya Iyan ko bnar go igira adn a iniiza iyo kiran (ko manga karoma niyan) a pagigimo na izaan iyo kiran ko talikhodan o rnding 1195 ka gioto i lbi a soti ko manga poso’ iyo ago so manga poso’ iran, go da a rk iyo a kabnar ko karingasaa ko Rasūlullāh go di pn o ba niyo mapangaroma so manga karoma niyan ko oriyan iyan sa dayon sa dayon, ka gioto rkano na miaadn ko Allāh a lbi a mapnd Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses, except when leave is given to you for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation. But when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken your meal, disperse, without sitting for a talk. Verily, such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet, and he is shy of (asking) you (to go), but Allah is not shy of (telling you) the truth. And when you ask (his wives) for anything you want, ask them from behind a screen, that is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. And it is not (right) for you that you should annoy Allah's Messenger, nor that you should ever marry his wives after him (his death). Verily! With Allah that shall be an enormity. Sahih International : O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity. Pickthall : O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time, unless permission be granted you. But if ye are invited, enter, and, when your meal is ended, then disperse. Linger not for conversation. Lo! that would cause annoyance to the Prophet, and he would be shy of (asking) you (to go); but Allah is not shy of the truth. And when ye ask of them (the wives of the Prophet) anything, ask it of them from behind a curtain. That is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. And it is not for you to cause annoyance to the messenger of Allah, nor that ye should ever marry his wives after him. Lo! that in Allah's sight would be an enormity. Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet's houses,- until leave is given you,- for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation: but when ye are invited, enter; and when ye have taken your meal, disperse, without seeking familiar talk. Such (behaviour) annoys the Prophet: he is ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth. And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah's Messenger, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in Allah's sight an enormity. Shakir : O you who believe! do not enter the houses of the Prophet unless permission is given to you for a meal, not waiting for its cooking being finished-- but when you are invited, enter, and when you have taken the food, then disperse-- not seeking to listen to talk; surely this gives the Prophet trouble, but he forbears from you, and Allah does not forbear from the truth And when you ask of them any goods, ask of them from behind a curtain; this is purer for your hearts and (for) their hearts; and it does not behove you that you should give trouble to the Messenger of Allah, nor that you should marry his wives after him ever; surely this is grievous in the sight of Allah. Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, do not enter the homes of the Prophet except (when you are permitted in for food, without waiting for its dueness. (i.e., its hour, its time) But when you are invited, then enter. So, when you have had food, then disperse yourselves, neither (announcing yourselves) into familiar discourse. Surely that (Literally: those) hurts the Prophet, so he (feels) shy before you; and Allah does not shy from the truth. And when you ask (his wives) for any article, then ask them from behind a curtain; that is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And in no way should you hurt the Messenger of Allah, nor marry his spouses even after him at all. Surely that would, in the Reckoning of Allah, be a monstrous (thing). Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe, do not enter the Prophet’s houses unless permission is granted you, to enter by invitation, to [share] a meal, and so you enter, without waiting for the [right] moment, [for] when it is ready (ināhu, a verbal noun from anā, ya’nī). But when you are invited, enter, and, when you have had your meal, disperse, without, lingering for, any [leisurely] conversation, amongst yourselves. Indeed that, lingering, is upsetting for the Prophet, and he is [too] shy of you, to make you leave, but God is not shy of the truth, that you should leave — in other words, He would never refrain from declaring it (a variant reading [for yastahyī] has yastahī). And when you ask anything of [his] womenfolk, in other words, the wives of the Prophet (s), ask them from behind a screen, a curtain. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts, than [entertaining] sinful thoughts. And you should never cause the Messenger of God hurt, in any way; nor ever marry his wives after him. Assuredly that in God’s sight would be very grave, as a sin. Tagalog : O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh, sa Kanyang Sugo at sumunod sa Kanya! Huwag kayong pumasok sa mga tahanan ng Propeta, maliban sa kung ibinigay sa inyo ang pahintulot para sumalo kayo sa pagkain, at hindi masyadong maaga na matatagalan pa kayo sa paghihintay para sa paghahanda nito.
![]() 33.54Hassanor Alapa : Amay ka adn a payagn iyo a shayi odi na isoln iyo skaniyan na mataan a so Allāh na miaadn ko kalangowan a shayi a Gomgpa a Matao Muhsin Khan : Whether you reveal anything or conceal it, verily, Allah is Ever AllKnower of everything. Sahih International : Whether you reveal a thing or conceal it, indeed Allah is ever, of all things, Knowing. Pickthall : Whether ye divulge a thing or keep it hidden, lo! Allah is ever Knower of all things. Yusuf Ali : Whether ye reveal anything or conceal it, verily Allah has full knowledge of all things. Shakir : If you do a thing openly or do it in secret, then surely Allah is Cognizant of all things. Dr. Ghali : In case you display anything or you conceal it, then surely Allah has been Ever-Knowing of everything. Tafsir Jalalayn : Whether you disclose anything or keep it hidden, regarding marrying them after him, truly God has knowledge of all things, and will requite you for it. Tagalog : Kung ilalantad ninyo ang anumang bagay sa pamamagitan ng inyong pananalita, O kayong mga tao, na nakasasakit sa Sugo ng Allâh mula sa ipinagbabawal sa inyo, o di kaya ay ilihim na lamang ninyo ang mga ito sa inyong mga sarili, walang pag-aalinlangan, ang Allâh ay Ganap na Nakaaalam kung ano ang nasa sa inyong mga puso at kung ano ang inyong mga inilalantad, at ayon dito kayo ay Kanyang tutumbasan. ![]() 33.55Hassanor Alapa : Da a dosa iran (a manga karoma o Nabi ko di ran kapakazasapng) sii ko manga ama iran go da pn ko manga wata iran a mama go da pn ko manga laki ran go da pn ko manga wata a mama o manga laki ran go da pn ko manga wata a mama o manga pagari ran a manga babay go da pn ko manga pd iran a manga babay go da pn ko mipapaar o manga lima iran (manga oripn) go kalkn iyo so Allāh (hay manga karoma o Rasūl), mataan a so Allāh ko kalangowan a shayi na Tomitikay a Saksi. Muhsin Khan : It is no sin on them (the Prophet's wives, if they appear unveiled) before their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brother's sons, or the sons of their sisters, or their own (believing) women, or their (female) slaves, and keep your duty to Allah. Verily, Allah is Ever AllWitness over everything. Sahih International : There is no blame upon women concerning their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons or their women or those their right hands possess. And fear Allah . Indeed Allah is ever, over all things, Witness. Pickthall : It is no sin for them (thy wives) to converse freely) with their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or the sons of their sisters or of their own women, or their slaves. O women! Keep your duty to Allah. Lo! Allah is ever Witness over all things. Yusuf Ali : There is no blame (on these ladies if they appear) before their fathers or their sons, their brothers, or their brother's sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the (slaves) whom their right hands possess. And, (ladies), fear Allah; for Allah is Witness to all things. Shakir : There is no blame on them in respect of their fathers, nor their brothers, nor their brothers' sons, nor their sisters' sons nor their own women, nor of what their right hands possess; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is a witness of all things. Dr. Ghali : There is no fault in the (Prophet's spouses) concerning their fathers, nor their sons, nor their brothers, nor their brothers? sons, nor their sisters? sons, nor their women, nor what their right hands possess. And be pious to Allah; surely Allah has been an Ever-Present Witness over everything. Tafsir Jalalayn : They [the Prophet’s wives] would not be at fault with regard to [socialising with] their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their own, believing, women, or what their right hands own, of slavegirls or [male] servants, in seeing them or conversing with them without a screen. And fear [O women] God, in what you have been commanded. Surely God is Witness to all things, with nothing being hidden from Him. Tagalog : Walang kasalanan ang mga kababaihan kung sakaling hindi na sila mag-‘Hijab’ (magtalukbong ng kanilang mga ulo na bahagi lamang ng mukha ang nakalantad) sa pakikipagharap nila sa kanilang mga ama, mga anak, mga kapatid na kalalakihan, mga anak ng mga kapatid na kalalakihan, mga anak ng kapatid ng mga kababaihan, mga kababaihan na mga mananampalataya, at ang mga alipin na mga kalalakihan na sila ang nagmamay-ari dahil sa tindi ng pangangailangan nila sa mga ito para manilbihan sa kanila. At matakot kayo sa Allâh, O kayo na mga kababaihan, nang sa gayon ay makaiwas kayo sa paglabag sa hangganang itinakda Niya para sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng paglalantad ng inyong kagandahan doon sa mga ipinagbabawal sa inyo, o di kaya ay hindi kayo magsusuot ng ‘Hijab’ sa harapan ng mga tao na dapat naka-‘Hijab’ kayo kapag sila ay inyong kaharap. Katiyakan, ang Allâh ay ‘Shaheed’ – Ganap na Tagapagmasid sa lahat ng bagay, na Siya ay Saksi sa mga gawain ng Kanyang mga alipin, lantad at saka lihim, at ayon dito sila ay tutumbasan. ![]() 33.56Hassanor Alapa : Mataan a so Allāh ago so manga malāikat Iyan na pzalawatan iran so Nabī, hay so miamaratiaya salawati niyo skaniyan 1196 ago mbayorantang kano sa samporna a kambayorantang Muhsin Khan : Allah sends His Salat (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy, etc.) on the Prophet (Muhammad SAW) and also His angels too (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salat on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad SAW), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. AsSalamu 'Alaikum). Sahih International : Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace. Pickthall : Lo! Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation. Yusuf Ali : Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. Shakir : Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who believe! call for (Divine) blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) salutation. Dr. Ghali : Surely Allah and His Angels shower Serenity (Literally: shower prayers) on the Prophet. O you who have believed, pray for (benediction on) him, and submit in full submission. Tafsir Jalalayn : Indeed God and His angels bless the Prophet, Muhammad (s). O you who believe, invoke blessings on him and invoke peace upon him in a worthy manner, in other words, say: ‘O God, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace’ (Allāhumma sallī ‘alā sayyidinā Muhammad wa-sallim). Tagalog : Katiyakan, ang Allâh ay pinarangalan Niya ang Kanyang Propeta sa Kanyang mga malalapit na mga anghel, at ganoon din ang Kanyang mga anghel ay pinupuri nila ang Propeta at nananalangin sila para sa kanya. O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo, at sumunod sa Kanyang Batas, pumuri rin kayo at manalangin para sa Sugo ng Allâh, at magsagawa ng tunay na pagbati ng ‘Salâm’ (kapayapaan) bilang pagbati at pagdakila sa kanya. ![]() 33.57Hassanor Alapa : Mataan a so siran oto a phringasaan iran so Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan na pimorkaan siran o Allāh sii sa doniya ago sa alongan a maori go piagtadan Iyan siran sa siksa a phamakadapanas Muhsin Khan : Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger (SAW) Allah has cursed them in this world, and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating torment. Sahih International : Indeed, those who abuse Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter and prepared for them a humiliating punishment. Pickthall : Lo! those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah hath cursed them in the world and the Hereafter, and hath prepared for them the doom of the disdained. Yusuf Ali : Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger - Allah has cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment. Shakir : Surely (as for) those who speak evil things of Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in this world and the here after, and He has prepared for them a chastisement bringing disgrace. Dr. Ghali : Surely the ones who hurt Allah and His Messenger, Allah has cursed them in the present (life) (Literally: the lowly (life), i.e., the life of this world) and the Hereafter, and He has prepared for them a degrading torment. Tafsir Jalalayn : Indeed those who are injurious to God and His Messenger — and they are the disbelievers, who attribute to God what He is exalted above of such things as [His having] a son or a partner and they deny His Messenger — God has cursed them in this world and the Hereafter, He has banished them [from His mercy], and has prepared for them a humiliating chastisement, and that is the Fire. Tagalog : Katiyakan, yaong mga niyayamot nila ang Allâh sa pamamagitan ng pasagawa nila ng ‘Shirk – pagsamba ng iba bukod sa Allâh o pagtatambal sa pagsamba, o di kaya ay sa pagsagawa nila ng iba pang mga kasalanan, at ganoon din niyayamot nila ang Sugo ng Allâh sa pamamagitan ng kanilang mga salita o di kaya ay sa mga gawa, inilayo sila ng Allâh at itinaboy mula sa anumang kabutihan dito sa daigdig at sa Kabilang-Buhay, at inihanda para sa kanila sa Kabilang-Buhay ang masidhing kaparusahan na siyang magpapahamak sa kanila. ![]() 33.58Hassanor Alapa : Go so siran oto a phringasaan iran so miamaratiaya a manga mama go so miamara-tiaya a manga babay ko nganin a da iran manggolawla na sabnar a miakabakontol siran sa kabokhagan ago dosa a mapayag Muhsin Khan : And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear on themselves the crime of slander and plain sin. Sahih International : And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned have certainly born upon themselves a slander and manifest sin. Pickthall : And those who malign believing men and believing women undeservedly, they bear the guilt of slander and manifest sin. Yusuf Ali : And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear (on themselves) a calumny and a glaring sin. Shakir : And those who speak evil things of the believing men and the believing women without their having earned (it), they are guilty indeed of a false accusation and a manifest sin. Dr. Ghali : And the ones who hurt male believers and female believers, without that they have earned it, then they have readily burdened themselves calumny and evident vice. Tafsir Jalalayn : And those who cause hurt to believing men and believing women without the latter’s having done anything, [those who] accuse them of what they have not done, have verily borne [the guilt of] calumny, they have borne lies, and [the burden of] manifest sin. Tagalog : At ganoon din, niyayamot nila ang mga mananampalatayang kalalakihan at kababaihan sa salita o sa gawa na wala naman silang nagawang kasalanan sa kanila, katiyakan, sinuman ang nakagawa nito ay nagkasala nang matinding pagsisinungaling at paninira at nakagawa sila ng malinaw na kasalanan na magiging dahilan ng pagpaparusa sa kanila sa Kabilang-Buhay. ![]() 33.59Hassanor Alapa : Hay Nabī tharo anka ko manga karoma nka ago so manga wata aka a manga babay ago so manga babay a miamaratiaya a tathaga iran so manga nditarn (sa kasapngan iyan so awrat iran) ka gioto i marani a kakilalaa kiran sa di siran maringasa, go miaadn so Allāh a Paririla a Masalinggagawn Muhsin Khan : O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful. Sahih International : O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. Pickthall : O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognised and not annoyed. Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Yusuf Ali : O Prophet! Tell thy wives and daughters, and the believing women, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons (when abroad): that is most convenient, that they should be known (as such) and not molested. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Shakir : O Prophet! say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper, that they may be known, and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Dr. Ghali : O you Prophet, say to your spouses and your daughters and the women of believers, that they draw their outer garments closer to them; that will (make) it likelier that they will be recognized and so will not be hurt. And Allah has been Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Tafsir Jalalayn : O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks closely over themselves (jalābīb is the plural of jilbāb, which is a wrap that covers a woman totally) — in other words, let them pull part of it [also] over their faces, leaving one eye [visible], when they need to leave [the house] for something. That makes it likelier that they will be known, to be free women, and not be molested, by being approached. In contrast, slavegirls did not use to cover their faces and so the disbelievers used to pester them. And God is Forgiving, of any occasion in the past when they may have neglected to cover themselves, Merciful, to them in His veiling them. Tagalog : O Propeta! Sabihin mo sa iyong mga asawa, sa iyong mga anak na kababaihan, at sa mga kababaihan na mga mananampalataya na takpan nila ang kanilang mga ulo at kanilang mga mukha hanggang sa bahagi na kanilang mga kasuotan; upang matakpan ang kanilang mga mukha, mga dibdib at mga ulo; ito ang pinakamalapit upang sila ay maiba sa pamamagitan ng pagtakip at pangangalaga, upang hindi nila mailagay sa kapahamakan ang kanilang mga sarili o di kaya ay sa pagkayamot. At ang Allâh ay ‘Ghafour’ – Ganap na Mapagpatawad, na ‘Raheem’ – Napakamaawain at Ganap na Mapagmahal na pinatatawad Niya kayo sa anuman na dati ninyong nagawa at kinaawaan kayo sa paglilinaw sa inyo ng ipinahintulot at ipinagbawal. ![]() 33.60Hassanor Alapa : Amay ka di tomarg so manga monafiq ago so siran oto a adn ko manga poso’ iran a 1197 sakit ago so giimangmbaal sa thotol a kabokhag sii sa Madinah na pakipangondatoan Ami rka siran oriyan iyan na di ka iran on masiringan 1198 inonta a di mathay Muhsin Khan : If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease (evil desire for adultery, etc.), and those who spread false news among the people in AlMadinah, cease not, We shall certainly let you overpower them, then they will not be able to stay in it as your neighbours but a little while. Sahih International : If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease and those who spread rumors in al-Madinah do not cease, We will surely incite you against them; then they will not remain your neighbors therein except for a little. Pickthall : If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and the alarmists in the city do not cease, We verily shall urge thee on against them, then they will be your neighbours in it but a little while. Yusuf Ali : Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir thee up against them: Then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbours for any length of time: Shakir : If the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is a disease and the agitators in the city do not desist, We shall most certainly set you over them, then they shall not be your neighbors in it but for a little while; Dr. Ghali : Indeed in case the hypocrites do not refrain, and the ones in whose hearts is sickness, and they that make commotion in the city, indeed We will definitely induce you against them; thereafter they will not be your neighbors there except for a little (while). Tafsir Jalalayn : If (la-in, the lām is for oaths) the hypocrites do not desist, from their hypocrisy, and likewise those in whose hearts is a sickness, [in their urge] to fornicate, as well as the scaremongers in the city, who alarm the believers by saying [to them things like], ‘Your enemy is here and your raiding parties have been massacred!’, or [they say to them], ‘They have been defeated!’. Assuredly We will urge you [to take action] against them, We will give you sway over them, then they will not be your neighbours, they will not dwell near you, in it except for a little [while], after which they will depart. Tagalog : Kapag hindi tumigil ang mga yaong mapagkunwari na kinikimkim nila ang pagtanggi at inilalantad nila ang paniniwala at may mga pag-aalinlangan sa kanilang mga puso, at ang mga yaong nagkakalat ng kasinungalingan at maling balita sa siyudad ng Sugo ng Allâh – Madinah – mula sa kanilang pagiging masama at pamiminsala, ay gagapiin Namin sila, pagkatapos ay hindi na sila magkakaroon ng kakayahan na manatili nang matagal na kasama mo bilang iyong kapitbahay. ![]() 33.61Hassanor Alapa : Kamomorkaan siran apia anda siran matago, ago zinggawtn siran ago mbonoon siran sa samporna a kabono’ Muhsin Khan : Accursed, wherever found, they shall be seized and killed with a (terrible) slaughter. Sahih International : Accursed wherever they are found, [being] seized and massacred completely. Pickthall : Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain with a (fierce) slaughter. Yusuf Ali : They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy). Shakir : Cursed: wherever they are found they shall be seized and murdered, a (horrible) murdering. Dr. Ghali : Cursed they will be, wherever they are caught; they will be taken and massacred with a (general) massacre. Tafsir Jalalayn : Accursed, banished from mercy, [shall they be], wherever they are found they shall be seized and slain violently, that is to say, that is the ruling concerning them — meant as a command [for the Prophet]. Tagalog : Na sila ay ipagtatabuyan mula sa Awa ng Allâh, at kung saan man sila matagpuan na lugar ay bihagin at patayin sila hangga’t sa sila ay nananatili sa kanilang pagkukunwari at pagkalat ng mga paninira sa pagitan ng mga Muslim upang sirain at ipahamak sila. ![]() 33.62Hassanor Alapa : Sosonan o Allāh ko siran oto a miaipos sa miaona sa da a khatoon ka ko sosonan o Allāh a sambi (kaalin) Muhsin Khan : That was the Way of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old, and you will not find any change in the Way of Allah. Sahih International : [This is] the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change. Pickthall : That was the way of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old; thou wilt not find for the way of Allah aught of power to change. Yusuf Ali : (Such was) the practice (approved) of Allah among those who lived aforetime: No change wilt thou find in the practice (approved) of Allah. Shakir : (Such has been) the course of Allah with respect to those who have gone before; and you shall not find any change in the course of Allah. Dr. Ghali : An enactment of Allah with the ones who passed away earlier; and you will never find any alteration to an enactment of Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : God’s precedent, in other words, God has made this His precedent [in dealing], with those who passed away before, with regard to the hypocrites of past communities who used to alarm believers with their scaremongery, and you will find that there is no changing God’s precedent, [no changing of it] from Him. Tagalog : Ito ang pamamaraan ng Allâh at ang Kanyang pakikitungo sa mga mapagkunwari na mga naunang tao na sila ay binibihag at pinapatay kahit saan man sila naroroon, at hindi ka na makatatagpo ng anumang pagbabago, O Muhammad, sa batas ng Allâh. ![]() 33.63Hassanor Alapa : Ipagiza rka o manga taw so bankit na tharo anka a so katawi ron na sii ko Allāh, go da a pphakatokaw rka a baanda so bankit na khabaloy a marani dn Muhsin Khan : People ask you concerning the Hour, say: "The knowledge of it is with Allah only. What do you know? It may be that the Hour is near!" Sahih International : People ask you concerning the Hour. Say," Knowledge of it is only with Allah . And what may make you perceive? Perhaps the Hour is near." Pickthall : Men ask thee of the Hour. Say: The knowledge of it is with Allah only. What can convey (the knowledge) unto thee? It may be that the Hour is nigh. Yusuf Ali : Men ask thee concerning the Hour: Say, "The knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone)": and what will make thee understand?- perchance the Hour is nigh! Shakir : Men ask you about the hour; say: The knowledge of it is only with Allah, and what will make you comprehend that the hour may be nigh. Dr. Ghali : Mankind will ask you about the Hour. Say, "Surely the knowledge of it is only in the Providence of Allah; and what makes you realize that possibly the Hour would be near?" Tafsir Jalalayn : People, [such as] the people of Mecca, question you concerning the Hour: when will it be? Say: ‘Knowledge thereof lies only with God — and what do you know, [what would] provide you with knowledge thereof? In other words, you do not know it, perhaps the Hour is near’. Tagalog : Tinatanong ka ng mga tao, O Muhammad, patungkol sa pagkagunaw ng daigdig bilang pag-iinsulto at pagpapasinungaling, sabihin mo sa kanila: Katiyakan, ang kaalaman hinggil sa pagkagunaw ng daigdig ay nasa Allâh lamang. Ano ba ang alam mo, O Muhammad, hinggil sa bagay na ito kung ito ba ay malapit nang mangyari? At ang lahat ng tiyak na darating ay katiyakang malapit na! ![]() 33.64Hassanor Alapa : Mataan a so Allāh na pimorkaan Iyan so manga kafir ago piagtadan Iyan siran sa makadg a siksa Muhsin Khan : Verily, Allah has cursed the disbelievers, and has prepared for them a flaming Fire (Hell). Sahih International : Indeed, Allah has cursed the disbelievers and prepared for them a Blaze. Pickthall : Lo! Allah hath cursed the disbelievers, and hath prepared for them a flaming fire, Yusuf Ali : Verily Allah has cursed the Unbelievers and prepared for them a Blazing Fire,- Shakir : Surely Allah has cursed the unbelievers and has prepared for them a burning fire, Dr. Ghali : Surely Allah has cursed the disbelievers, and He has prepared for them a Blaze, Tafsir Jalalayn : God has indeed cursed the disbelievers, He has banished them [from His mercy], and prepared for them a blaze, a violent fire into which they shall be admitted, Tagalog : Katiyakan, ang Allâh ay inilayo Niya sa Kanyang Awa rito sa daigdig at sa Kabilang-Buhay ang mga walang pananampalataya, at inihanda Niya para sa kanila ang Apoy na matindi ang init sa pagkakalagablab nito, ![]() 33.65Hassanor Alapa : Tatap siran on sa dayon sa dayon sa da a khatoon iran a salinggogopa go da pn a tabanga Muhsin Khan : Wherein they will abide for ever, and they will find neither a Wali (a protector) nor a helper. Sahih International : Abiding therein forever, they will not find a protector or a helper. Pickthall : Wherein they will abide for ever. They will find (then) no protecting friend nor helper. Yusuf Ali : To dwell therein for ever: no protector will they find, nor helper. Shakir : To abide therein for a long time; they shall not find a protector or a helper. Dr. Ghali : Eternally (abiding) therein forever; they will find neither a patron nor a ready vindicator. Tafsir Jalalayn : to abide, their abiding having been foreordained, therein forever. They shall not find any protector, to preserve them from it, or helper, to ward it off from them. Tagalog : Na manatili sila roon magpasawalang-hanggan, at hindi na sila makatatagpo pa roon ng sinumang masasandalan at magtatanggol sa kanila, at hindi na rin sila makatatagpo ng tutulong sa kanila, upang sila ay ilabas sa Impiyerno. ![]() 33.66Hassanor Alapa : Sa sagawii a pagiawn so manga paras iran ko apoy sa gii ran tharoon a doandoan tano bo o ba tano bo kiaonotan so Allāh ago kiaonotan tano so sogo’ Muhsin Khan : On the Day when their faces will be turned over in the Fire, they will say: "Oh, would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger (Muhammad SAW)." Sahih International : The Day their faces will be turned about in the Fire, they will say, "How we wish we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger." Pickthall : On the day when their faces are turned over in the Fire, they say: Oh, would that we had obeyed Allah and had obeyed His messenger! Yusuf Ali : The Day that their faces will be turned upside down in the Fire, they will say: "Woe to us! Would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger!" Shakir : On the day when their faces shall be turned back into the fire, they shall say: O would that we had obeyed Allah and obeyed the Messenger! Dr. Ghali : On the Day when their faces are turned about in the Fire, they will say, "O, would that we had obeyed Allah and had obeyed the Messenger!" Tafsir Jalalayn : On the day when their faces are turned about in the Fire they shall say, ‘O (yā is for alerting) would that we had obeyed God and obeyed the Messenger!’ Tagalog : Sa Araw na pagbabaling-balingin ang mga mukha ng mga walang pananampalataya sa Impiyernong-Apoy at kanilang sasabihin bilang pagsisisi at kalituhan: Sana ay sinunod namin ang Allâh at sinunod namin ang Kanyang Sugo sa daigdig, upang kami ay maging kabilang sa mga makapapasok sa ‘Al-Jannah’ (Hardin). ![]() 33.67Hassanor Alapa : Go pitharo iran a Kadnan ami mataan a inonotan ami so manga olowan ami ago so manga ala rkami na diadag kami ran ko lalan 1199 Muhsin Khan : And they will say: "Our Lord! Verily, we obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us from the (Right) Way. Sahih International : And they will say, "Our Lord, indeed we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries, and they led us astray from the [right] way. Pickthall : And they say: Our Lord! Lo! we obeyed our princes and great men, and they misled us from the Way. Yusuf Ali : And they would say: "Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones, and they misled us as to the (right) Path. Shakir : And they shall say: O our Lord! surely we obeyed our leaders and our great men, so they led us astray from the path; Dr. Ghali : And they will say, "Our Lord, surely we obeyed our masters and our great ones, so they made us err away from the way. Tafsir Jalalayn : And they, namely, those who had been the followers [of the leaders of error], shall say, ‘Our Lord, we obeyed our leaders (read [plural] sādatanā, or sādātanā, which is the plural of the plural) and elders, and they led us astray from the way, the path of guidance. Tagalog : At sasabihin ng mga walang pananampalataya sa Araw ng Muling Pagkabuhay: O aming ‘Rabb’ na Tagapaglikha! Katiyakan, sinunod namin ang aming mga pinuno sa pagkaligaw at ang mga nakatataas mula sa amin sa pagsamba ng iba, na kung kaya, inilihis nila kami mula sa Daan ng Gabay at Paniniwala. ![]() 33.68Hassanor Alapa : Kadnan ami bgi Nka siran sa dowa takp ko siksa ago pmorka Inka siran sa morka a lbi a mala Muhsin Khan : Our Lord! give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse!" Sahih International : Our Lord, give them double the punishment and curse them with a great curse." Pickthall : Our Lord! Oh, give them double torment and curse them with a mighty curse. Yusuf Ali : "Our Lord! Give them double Penalty and curse them with a very great Curse!" Shakir : O our Lord! give them a double punishment and curse them with a great curse. Dr. Ghali : Our Lord, bring them torment twofold, and curse them with a great curse!" Tafsir Jalalayn : Our Lord, give them a double chastisement, in other words, twice the like of our chastisement, and curse them, chastise them, with numerous curses!’, with the equivalent number [of chastisements] (la‘nan kathīran, ‘numerous curses’, is also read la‘nan kabīran, [which means] ‘with a mighty curse’). Tagalog : O aming ‘Rabb’ na Tagapaglikha! Parusahan Mo sila nang doble sa parusa na ipinaparusa Mo sa amin, at isumpa Mo sila at ilayo Mo sila mula sa Iyong Awa nang matinding pagkakalayo. ![]() 33.69Hassanor Alapa : Hay so miamaratiaya oba kano maadn a datar o siran oto a riningasa iran so Mūsā na piakaangias skaniyan o Allāh ko nganin a pitharo 1200 iran go miaadn skaniyan (a Mūsā) sii ko Allāh a mala i pankatan. Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! Be not like those who annoyed Musa (Moses), but Allah cleared him of that which they alleged, and he was honourable before Allah. Sahih International : O you who have believed, be not like those who abused Moses; then Allah cleared him of what they said. And he, in the sight of Allah , was distinguished. Pickthall : O ye who believe! Be not as those who slandered Moses, but Allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, and he was well esteemed in Allah's sight. Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! Be ye not like those who vexed and insulted Moses, but Allah cleared him of the (calumnies) they had uttered: and he was honourable in Allah's sight. Shakir : O you who believe! be not like those who spoke evil things of Musa, but Allah cleared him of what they said, and he was worthy of regard with Allah. Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, do not be as the ones who hurt Musa, (Moses) yet Allah (declared) him quit of what they said, and he has been esteemed in the Providence of Allah. Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe, do not behave, towards your Prophet, as did those who harmed Moses — when they would say, for example, ‘The only reason he does not wash with us is that he has an inflammation in his testicles’ — whereat God absolved him of what they alleged: when Moses placed his robe on a rock to go to wash, the rock hurtled away with it until it came to a halt amid a group of men from the Children of Israel. As Moses chased it and took his robe to cover himself, they saw that he had no such inflammation (udra is an inflammation of the testicle). And he was distinguished in God’s sight. An instance of our Prophet (s) being subjected to hurt was when [on one occasion] while dividing up the spoils a man said to him, ‘This is a division that I do not want to please God!’, whereat the Prophet (s) became angered and said, ‘May God have mercy upon Moses, for truly he was hurt with worse than this, but endured’ — reported by al-Bukhārī. Tagalog : O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh, sundin ninyo ang Kanyang Sugo at huwag yamutin ang Sugo ng Allâh sa salita man o sa gawa, at huwag ninyong gayahin ang ginawa na pagyamot ng mga tao sa Propeta ng Allâh na si Mousã (as) at iniligtas siya ng Allâh at nilinis mula sa anuman na kanilang sinabi na paninira at pagsisinungaling, at dakila ang kanyang antas sa Allâh at ang kanyang katayuan. ![]() 33.70Hassanor Alapa : Hay so miamaratiaya kalkn iyo so Allāh ago tharo kano sa katharo a ontol Muhsin Khan : O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth. Sahih International : O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. Pickthall : O ye who believe! Guard your duty to Allah, and speak words straight to the point; Yusuf Ali : O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and (always) say a word directed to the Right: Shakir : O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah and speak the right word, Dr. Ghali : O you who have believed, be pious to Allah, and speak befitting words. (Literally: say a befitting saying) Tafsir Jalalayn : O you who believe, fear God and speak words of integrity, what is proper. Tagalog : O kayong mga naniwala sa Allâh, sundin ninyo ang Kanyang Sugo at matakot kayo sa Allâh sa pamamagitan ng di-paglabag sa Kanya, dahil kapag ito ay inyong ginawa ay magiging karapat-dapat kayo sa parusa, at magsalita kayo sa lahat ng inyong kalagayan at situwasyon nang matuwid na pananalita na walang anumang pagsisinungaling at kamalian. ![]() 33.71Hassanor Alapa : Ka ompiaan Iyan rkano so manga galbk iyo ago rilaa kano Niyan ko manga dosa niyo, na sa taw a onotan iyan so Allāh ago so sogo’ Iyan na sabnar a miagontong sa kapagontong a mala Muhsin Khan : He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (SAW) he has indeed achieved a great achievement (i.e. he will be saved from the Hell-fire and made to enter Paradise). Sahih International : He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Pickthall : He will adjust your works for you and will forgive you your sins. Whosoever obeyeth Allah and His messenger, he verily hath gained a signal victory. Yusuf Ali : That He may make your conduct whole and sound and forgive you your sins: He that obeys Allah and His Messenger, has already attained the highest achievement. Shakir : He will put your deeds into a right state for you, and forgive you your faults; and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, he indeed achieves a mighty success. Dr. Ghali : (Then) He will make your deeds righteous for you, and He will forgive you your guilty (deeds); and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, then he has already triumphed a magnificent triumph. Tafsir Jalalayn : He will rectify your deeds for you, He will accept them, and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys God and His Messenger has verily achieved a great success, he has attained his ultimate goal. Tagalog : Kapag kayo ay natakot sa Allâh at naging tapat sa inyong pananalita ay itutuwid ng Allâh para sa inyo ang inyong gawain, at patatawarin ang inyong mga kasalanan. At ang sinumang susunod sa Allâh at sa Kanyang Sugo sa anuman na Kanyang pag-uutos at pagbabawal ay katiyakang magkakamit siya ng dakilang parangal dito sa daigdig at sa Kabilang-Buhay. ![]() 33.72Hassanor Alapa : Mataan a inidolon Ami so sarig 1201 ko manga langit ago so lopa ago so manga palaw na sianka iran o ba iran matanggong skaniyan ago inikalk iran, na inawidan skaniyan o manosiya a skaniyan a manosiya na palalalim a da a mlng iyan Muhsin Khan : Truly, We did offer AlAmanah (the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties which Allah has ordained) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it (i.e. afraid of Allah's Torment). But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results). Sahih International : Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. Pickthall : Lo! We offered the trust unto the heavens and the earth and the hills, but they shrank from bearing it and were afraid of it. And man assumed it. Lo! he hath proved a tyrant and a fool. Yusuf Ali : We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains; but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it;- He was indeed unjust and foolish;- Shakir : Surely We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to be unfaithful to it and feared from it, and man has turned unfaithful to it; surely he is unjust, ignorant; Dr. Ghali : Surely We presented (Literally: set before) the Trust (i.e., Trust of devotion) to the heavens and the earth and mountains. Yet they refused to carry it and felt timorous about it, and man carried it. Surely he has been constantly unjust, constantly ignorant. Tafsir Jalalayn : Indeed We offered the Trust — [the obligation to] prayer and other matters which, when performed, result in reward and when neglected, result in punishment — to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and created in them the power of comprehension and speech [at the time of that offer], but they refused to bear it and were apprehensive of it; but man, Adam, undertook it, when it was offered to him. Truly he is a wrongdoer, to his own soul because of what he undertook, ignorant, of [the responsibility that comes with] it — Tagalog : Katiyakan, inialok Namin ang ‘Amânah’ – na ito ay pananagutan na ipinagkatiwala ng Allâh sa mga may hustong gulang at talino, ang pagsagawa ng ipinag-uutos at pag-iwas sa mga ipinagbabawal – sa mga kalangitan, sa kalupaan at kabundukan, subali’t tinanggihan nila itong pasanin at natakot sila na baka hindi nila ito maisagawa. Subali’t tinanggap at pinasan ng tao ang pananagutan na ito at ito ay kanyang sinunod kahit na siya pa ay mahina, dahil walang pag-aalinlangan, matindi siya sa pang-aapi sa kanyang sarili at kamangmangan. ![]() 33.73Hassanor Alapa : Ka an masiksa o Allāh so manga monafiq a manga mama ago so manga monafiq a manga babay, go so manga pananakoto a manga mama ago so manga pananakoto a manga babay, ago phakatawbatn o Allāh so miamaratiaya a manga mama ago so miamaratiaya a manga babay, go miaadn so Allāh a Paririla a Masalinggagawn. Muhsin Khan : So that Allah will punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the men and women who are AlMushrikun (the polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW ). And Allah will pardon (accept the repentance of) the true believers of the Islamic Monotheism, men and women. And Allah is Ever OftForgiving, Most Merciful. Sahih International : [It was] so that Allah may punish the hypocrite men and hypocrite women and the men and women who associate others with Him and that Allah may accept repentance from the believing men and believing women. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. Pickthall : So Allah punisheth hypocritical men and hypocritical women, and idolatrous men and idolatrous women. But Allah pardoneth believing men and believing women, and Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful. Yusuf Ali : (With the result) that Allah has to punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Unbelievers, men and women, and Allah turns in Mercy to the Believers, men and women: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Shakir : So Allah will chastise the hypocritical men and the hypocritical women and the polytheistic men and the polytheistic women, and Allah will turn (mercifully) to the believing women, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Dr. Ghali : That Allah may torment the male hypocrites and the female hypocrites, and the male associators and the female associators, (i.e., those who associate orhers with Allah) and that Allah may relent towards the male believers and the female believers; and Allah has been Ever-Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. Tafsir Jalalayn : so that God may chastise (li-yu‘adhdhiba, the lām therein is semantically connected to ‘aradnā, ‘We offered’, which resulted in ‘Adam’s undertaking’) the hypocrites, men and women, and the idolaters, men and women, those who forsake the Trust, and that God may relent to the believing men and believing women, who fulfil the Trust. And God is Forgiving, to believers, Merciful, to them. Tagalog : (At pinasan ng tao ang ipinagkatiwalang ito) upang parusahan ng Allâh ang mga mapagkunwari na mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na inilalantd nila ang pagiging Muslim bilang pakitang-tao at inililihim nila ang pagtanggi sa Allâh, at ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na mga nagtambal ng iba sa kanilang pagsamba sa Allâh, at patatawarin ng Allâh ang mga kalalakihan at mga kababaihan na mga mananampalataya sa pamamagitan ng paglihim sa kanilang mga kasalanan at hindi na sila parurusahan pa. At ang Allâh ay ‘Ghafour’ – Ganap na Mapagpatawad sa mga nagsisi mula sa Kanyang mga alipin, na ‘Raheem’ – Napakamaawain at Ganap na Mapagmahal sa kanila. Osayan1168. Gianan so bandingan ko ka Lihar (Dhihār) aya maana niyan na tharoon o mama ko karoma niyan a datar ka rakn o likod i Ina, a adat anan o Jāhiliyyah a Arab a igira pagndaan iran so karoma iran a babay na tharoon iran on ankoto a katharo sa matalak iyan, gioto i kiabthowi ron sa Dhihār, maana a kalikod ka kagia inisaganda niyan si karoma niyan ko likod i ina iyan, a hiaram iyan sa ginawa niyan. Gowani a giankai a adat a smpad na kapanalimbot a di maontol na inisapar o Qur’ān ka katharo a kabokhag ka kna o ba so karoma na ba skaniyan so ina. So Islam na inisapar iyan a langowan a katharo ago galbk a kapamrak a daa matatago on a kabbnar, sa aya kabaya iyan na langowan a ptharoon o miaratiaya ago langowan a pnggalbkn iyan na palaya dn bnar a khasabapan sa kamapiaan. Mala a bandingan san ka gianan i bandingan o Sārah al Mujādilah, a nkanan a kaLihar, sa pangndod ka on S.57. 1169. Gianan so bandingan ko kambabawataa ko wata o isa a taw (tabannī) a inisapr pn o Qur’ān ka kabokhagan a di bnar o ba nka tharoa so di nka wata a wata aka a da okit sa bkhokhong ka, sa mala a kiazabandinga san ka so kiabatala on o Islām na so dn so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] i piakanggolima niyan on sa piakipangaroma niyan on so Zaynab Bint Jahsh a bitowann o pimbabawata iyan a so Zayd Bin Hārithah, na kiatarotaroan ko manga taw a manga monafiq, sa pd oto a inokitan o gasta iran ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago so manga Muslim. 1170. Aya kaontol sii ko Allāh na aya itawag ko taw na so ama iyan, aya maana na aya niyan mapagapilido, ka aya on mimbawata, na amay ka di katawan so bangnsa niyan na tawagn skaniyan a pagari ko agama, ka so agama na gioto i bangnsa o Muslim a ron makatataalok ko apia antona a i mambbtad iyan. 1171. So Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na taralbi ko Muslim a di so manga ginawa iran sabap sa aya romasay niyan na so kamapiaan iran, ago margn iyan so margn iran, sa lawan skaniyan ko loks a thito ko kiphapantagn iyan ko manga mu’min, sa so manga karoma niyan na minibtad siran sa siran i manga ina o miamaratiaya sa patot a slaan siran ago sakawn siran ko kaoyagoyag sa ipamangni siran sa kapakaslang ago kapakadaya ko alongan a maori. Inankosan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] so bayadan o Muslim a miatay na so minibagak iyan a tamok na rk o manga waris on gioto i karina sa skaniyan na lawan ko thito a loks, ka so loks na kna o ba on patoray a kapamayadi niyan ko manga bayadan o wata iyan ko oriyan o kapamatay ran, na so Rasūlullāh na piamayadan iyan so bayadan o manga Muslim a da makabayad. 1172. Gianan so kiathidawa a bithowan sa Gazwat al Ahzāb, a so manga lompokan o Quraysh ago so manga Arab sa polo a Arabia na mithimotimo siran sa piakaisaisa iran so ronda iran a mabagr ka aya pamikiran iran na phowalasn iran so manga Muslim sa Madīnah, sa inithabanga iran so manga Yahūdī sa Madīnah ago siran dn i mala a minggalbk ko kaadn ankoto a gobat a pagoolowanan i Salām Bin Abī al Huqayq, si Salām Bin Mushkim, Kinānah Bin ar Rabī’, sa somiong siran sa Makkah na piangoyatan iran so Quraysh ago so pagtaw o Gatafān, go so manga monafiq ko manga Muslim, sa tanto to a mala ago mabagr a ronda a da dn kasagadi o manga Muslim, sa datar ankanan a kiphropaan on o Qur’ān a miasambolayang so manga mata ago inisampay so poso’ ko rarb sa kiasndad o kalk, sa minimosawir o isa a Sahābah o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a so Salmān al Fārisī, so kakhakar iran ko manga itopang sa Madīnah ka an di phakasold so gobat a manibolos sa pinggolawla oto o manga Muslim sa sogoan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] Na so Allāh na titikayan iyan so manga oripn iyan sa siogoan iyan so manga mushrik sa ronda a mabagr a sobosobo a inikayantng iyan so manga barombarong iran ago so manga kodn iran, sa di siran makaphamayandg ko manga darpa iran ko kabagr o ndo’ na initmo niyan kiran so kalk na miakambalingan siran sa da a miambatas iran a mlk bo. 1173. Gioto so manga monafiq a di bnar so paratiaya iran a aya gagalbkn iran na anda manaya i di ran kapakapangpd ko kathidawa ka siran na lbi a manga linkap a manga talaw, aya bo a kapasangan iran na igira adn a miataban a tamok na kalaan siran on ko kapmba- gibagia on, ogaid na sii ko kakhowaa on sa nggolalan sa taban sa kathidawa na pphalagoyan iran ka manga talaw siran ka da kiran so paratiaya a linang a mabagr. Giankaya a manga monafiq na di dn mabblag ko kaphagingd o manga Muslim sa masa ini a oman makambatas so Muslim ko panamar iyan, na mbakorot siran na rbasn iran so onga niyan. 1174. So kapatay na da a phalagoyan on ka apia anda ka song na pmbalakn ka niyan gioto i katharo o Qur’ān, sa aya mapia ko Muslim na smpangn iyan so kapatay sa paras a malangas ago kawaraw a thatana asar ka zisii skaniyan ko Bnar, ka so Allāh na thabangan iyan. 1175. Palaya dn anan osayan ko dadabiatan o manga monafiq a iphropa o Qur’ān ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago so manga Muslim, sabap ko kapipiligro o gasta iran ko manga muslim ka kagia makasosold siran ko lompokan iran a katawan iran so mapayag masoln a galbk o manga Muslim. Giankai a kapmomonafiq na sii miaadn ko kaphagingd o manga Muslim sa Madīnah sabap ko kiaadn o manga taban a tamok, na so katatago o manga Muslim sa Makkah na da a ba roo manga taban a tamok, na da roo mambo maadn so kapmonafiq, ka kagia sa dn sa taw a somold ko Islam na aya khakowa niyan na so garoti o manga Quraysh ago so manga badas iran ago so ringasa iran, na so miaratiaya sa masa oto na tolabos so paratiaya niyan a pangilay ko kasosoat o Allāh sa adn mambo a pankatan iran ko kiaona iran ko Islām, a di praotn o miamakasalono, pizaksian anan o Qur’ān. So Islam na pkhababayaan iyan so kapangonakona ko mapia ko kanggalbka on a nggolalan sa koat ago katharo, miakaisa a adn a giikapanonotholan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na miaaloy niyan a manga taw a phamakasorga, na minigayaw so Ukāshah sa piangni niyan a mapd on na inpd on o Nabī, na adn a tomiondog na pitharo on o Nabi a kiaonaan ka i Ukāshah. 1176. So Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] i ladiawan a rawatn a pzonggiringan o miamaratiaya ka skaniyan i mama a tarotop a kiaadna on a bilangataw a da dn a datar iyan ko kapakallbi, a pia so Allāh na miabantog iyan ko kapia i parangay. Ilay anka so ayat a 68:4. 1177. So miamaratiaya na dowa a nanayawn iran ko kibabatog ko doniya isa on na mashahid siran sa maydan ko giikapakithidawa ko manga ridoay o Islām, sa miatonay ran so inibgay ran a pasad sa kaplindinga iran ko agama o Allāh, odi siran mashahid na malalamba siran a nomanayaw sa gii ran nggalbkn so kapamondiong o kadato o Allāh ko liawaw o lopa sa makabkn so parinta Islamiyyah a matarotop so kiphzogoon ko mapia ago so kisaparn ko marata, sa gianan i romasay o Muslim a mabaloy a sondaro a mawaraw ko kaphakadaa ko kapanalimbot ko liawaw o lopa sa matolabos so simba a sii bo panonom-pang ko Allāh. Di dn matarotop so simba ko Allāh ago di dn makanggolalan so manga kasalaan a tiamanan (hudūd) a inibagay o Allāh o di makatindg so kadato iyan ko liawaw o lopa, sa makamoayan so kadato a Islam pharoman sa datar o kiandato o manga Khulafa ur Rashidun a pat kataw a khalifah. Gianan i romasay o Muslim sa masa ini a giankanan a antap ago galbk a mala o Muslim, na inisarig on o Allāh a skaniyan i makapnggalbk on. 1178. So kaphrang sa lalan ko Allāh na gianan i lbi a mapia a galbk ko doniya, a thata- lagadan sa balas a mala ko alongan a maori, sa so balas o Shahīd na tanto a mala ago mapia ago skaniyan i piakalbi o Allāh a sosonan a kapatay, sa so manga sahabah o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na gii ran pamangnin ko Allāh a aya ipatay ran na kashahid ko lalan on, sa so Khālid Bin al Walīd na gowani a khawafat na pnggoraok ko igaan iyan sa kapangingindawa niyan sa aya ipatay niyan na mashahid. So katharo a Nahbahu, na gioto so ajal odi na so kapasadan. 1179. Gowani a sogoan o Allāh so al Ahzāb sa mabagr a sobosobo na di siran makapha-mayandg ko manga barombarong iran ago pphamangikayontong so manga kodn iran sa di makaphanarg ko manga datola iran ko kabagr o ndo’ na kiabosasngan so Abū Sufyān sa pitharo iyan a imanto na ngganat tano sa mbaling tano sa Makkah, sa miakabaling siran sa da a miambatas iran a mlk bo sa datar o kiazaksii ron o Qur’ān. Na so kiaipos iran na aya pman a siangor o manga Muslim na so manga Yahūdī a manga donsian a biarnkas iran so kapasadan iran ago so manga Muslim ko kiapakaoma o al Ahzāb ka aya tankap iran on na miapowalas so manga Muslim. Ilay anka so Osn. a phakatondog. 1180. Gianan so manga Yahūdī sa Madīnah a Banū Quraydhah a pindonsianan iran so kapasadan a gitas iran ago so manga Muslim sa di ran thabangan ago pagogopan so manga ridoay o manga Muslim a phakaoma a gomogobat sa Madīnah, na so kiapakaoama o al Ahzāb na biarnkas iran so kapasadan iran ago so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa minggolalan ko sosogoon kiran a so Huyyayi Bin Akhtab a somiold ko kota iran sa diarktan iyan so dato iran a so Ka’b Bin Asad, sa taman sa miabarnkas iran so kapasadan, na gowani a makandod so manga mushrik a da a miambatas iran, sa miakandod mambo so manga Muslim sa Madīnah, na so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na kapapantagan ko walay o Ummu Salamah na miakaoma on so Jibrīl sa pitharo iyan on a ba ka miakapasad ko kathidawa na pitharo iyan a oway, na pitharo o Jibrīl a so manga malāikat na da iran pn btadn so manga gomaan iran, so Allāh na inisogo iyan rka a kagobat anka ko Banū Quraydhah, na lomialakaw so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa siogo iyan so manga taw a kagobata iran ko Banū Quraydhah sii oto ko oriyan o kiapakazambayang iran sa Luhur, sa pitharo o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a oba adn a zambayang rkano sa Asar inonta a roo sa Banū Quraydhah, na lomialakaw so manga taw, na riaot siran a Asar sa lalan na mizambayang so sabagi, sa aya inantokan iran ko katharo o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na so kapnggagaan lomalakaw, na so sabagi na da siran dn zambayang sa taman sa di siran makaoma ko Banū Quraydhah, sa miasobag siran roo na palaya siran diapayan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w]. Sa inibagak o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ko manga taw sa Madīnah so Ibn Ummi Maktūm [r.a.] sa inibgay niyan so pandi ko Alī Bin Abī Tālib [r.a.] oriyan iyan na liniot siran o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa miakadowa polo ago lima gawii, na gowani a kabasngan siran na mithapapay siran ko kokoman o Sa’ad Bin Mu’ādh [r.a.]. a dato o bangnsa a Aws. ka kagia aya iran tabanga ko masa a Jāhiliyyah, na piakisongowan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] so Sa’ad sii sa Madīnah ka an iyan siran makokom, na kagia makaoma na inalaw iran sa gii ran pangangampdian sa ikapdi iyan so manga Yahūdī a Banū Quraydhah sa pitharo iran on a kapdiin ka siran ka manga tabanga aka siran, na di dn ptharo so Sa’ad na kagia pakapasangan iran, na pitharo iyan a imanto na miakaoma ko Sa’ad a masa a da a ba on makaphanginsoya ko Allāh a phanginsoya, na kiatokawan iran a aya ikhokom iyan na palaya siran dn phamonoon, na kagia makarani ko barombarong a kakadnan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na pitharo o Nabī a tindg kano na alawa niyo so dato iyo na inalaw iran sa piakabolos iran na kagia makaontod na pitharo on o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a: Giankai a manga taw – sa initoro – iyan siran na mithapapay siran ko kokoman ka na kokom anka siran sa sa dn sa kabaya aka? Na pitharo iyan a:. So kokoman akn na pnggolalan kiran? Na pitharo iyan a: Oway, na pitharo iyan ago sii ko taw a madadalm sankai a barombarong? Na pitharo iyan a: Oway, na pitharo iyan a: Go sii ko taw a matatampar roo – sa initoro iyan so kakadnan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] – na pitharo iyan a Oway. Na pitharo iyan a aya ikhokom akn kiran na phamonoon so langowan a khapakay kiran a makithidawa ago phamiagn so manga babay kiran ago so manga tamok iran, na pitharo on o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a: Sabnar a inikokom ka so kokoman o Allāh. Na inisogo o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] so kambaal sa kakar na kagia makalot na initaligoma siran on a khipapatongn na piamotolan siran sa olo a aya kadakl iran na mararani sii ko pagltan o pito gatos ago walo gatos, na pithaban so manga wata kiran a da pn rtii (da kabaligi) a pd o manga babay. Gioto so manga Yahūdī a mialing siran sa Hijāz ka phnayawn iran kon so Nabī a zogoon a misosorat kiran ko Tawrāh ago so Injīl so manga ropaan iyan na gowani a maoma niyan siran na sianka iran. So kokoman a inikokom kiran o Sa’ad na gioto so kokoman iran a matatago ko pangitaban iran a manga Yahūdī, sa aya kiran piakanggolalan, kna o ba so kokoman o Islam, sa pantag oto sa an kiran makanggolalan so kitab iran andodon so kaontol, ogaid na so manga taw a yahudi na manga taw a tamaba, a taman imanto na pzaopn iran ko manga Muslim ankoto a kiaringasa iran sa Madinah a o pagilaya na siran i manga taw a patot anggolalanan o siksa. 1181. Gioto so kiathimotimo o manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa piankatan iran sa manga kasankapan ago igagama sa walay, a katawan iran a so Nabi na daa tamok iyan a khiankos iyan ko manga pangni ran, sa ba dn makaoontod so Nabi a daa khismbag iyan kiran, sa miaoma siran o Umar ago so Abu Bakr sa oman i isa kiran na phran’gn iyan so wata iyan, a karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w], na siaparan siran o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] o ba iran tanai a lima so Hafsah ago so Aishah. Sii sankoto na piakambaya siran o Allāh, o aya khabayaan iran na so kakayaan ko doniya a sambi o kasorgaan iran, antaa ka aya khatomo iran na so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a phakasagad siran sa margn a kapagintaw, na palaya siran dn minili ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w], sabap ko paratiaya iran na aya inibalas kiran o Allāh na inisapar iyan ko Nabi o ba ana ndaan iyan kiran sa ba niyan sambii sa salakaw a babay sa minilbi ran oto ko langowan a babay ko doniya o pman o aya mapili iran na so doniya na khakowa iran sa da a kipantag iran ko maori a alongan, sa palaya siran dn minili ko Allāh ago so alongan a Maori sa miakhipantag iran so kasosoat o Allāh ago so limo iyan. Inaloy o ayat a so siksa iran na satakp ko siksa o kalilid a manga babay sabap ko pankatan iran a maporo ko kababaloy ran a manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w]. Sa so mambo so manga balas iran a mapia na satakp ko balas o kalilid a manga babay sa palaya siran dn miakowa a ladiawan ko mapia ago so kiapromasay ko kaphagawidi ko Da’wah Islāmiah sa miakhipantag iran so limo o Allāh sa doniya ago sa Akhirah. 1182. Inisapar o Allāh ko manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] so kapakaomla ko katharo sa rabray anan ko langowan a babay a Muslimah, a oba iran pphakaomla so katharo sa pantag sa an man’g a haros a mama a kasabapan sa kalagindab o kagdam iyan. Gianan i kokowaan a dalil o sabaad a inispar iran so kan’ga ko sowara o babay sa iniitong iran a Haram, ogaid na aya kaontol na kna o ba sasaparn so kan’ga ko lagam o babay asar a malompiyo sankoto a kapphakaomla on sa pantag sa adn a phakan’gn on a salakaw a mama a haros, ka di oto khapakay. 1183. Inisogo kiran pn a manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a kathampat iran ko manga walay ran sa di siran mbinayar ko manga mama aya pn oba siran pakizaozaog ko manga mama ka lbi a isasapar, sa rabray anan ko langowan a babay a Muslimah, a kadadarkt iyan ko walay niyan sa khapakay a phliyo ron sa kasasapngan so awrat iyan amay mambo ka pangindaw niyan so kapakaliyo niyan sa adn a sabap a mapia. 1184. Gianan so bandingan ko Ahlul Bayt so manga taw ko walay o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] giankoto a ayat na titayan sa kapakasosold o manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sii ko Ahl al Bayt, ka siran i sabap a kiatoron ankoto a ayat na so sabap a kiatoron o ayat na makasosold ko kokoman iyan sa minggolalan sa katharo. Pianothol o Ibn Jarīr a miakapoon ko Ikrimah a miaadn skaniyan a ipphananawag iyan sa padian a: Mataan a khabayaan o Allāh a kapakadaa niyan rkano ko marzik a manga taw ko walay (o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] )ago zotin kano niyan sa kasoti. A initoron kon oto ko manga karoma o Nabī sa kna o ba aya bantak roo na ba sii kiran bo sa di ron pd so salakaw kiran, sa pianothol o Ibn Abī Hātim a miakapoon ko al Awwām Bin Hawshab [r.a.] a miakapoon sa bapa iyan a: Somiold ako a pd akn so ama akn ko A’ishah [r.a.] na iniiza akn on so Alī [r.a.]. na pitharo iyan a: Ipagiza aka rakn a mama a miaadn a lbi a pkhababayaan a taw sii ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a miapangaroma niyan so wata iyan a babay a skaniyan i lbi a pkhababayaan a manosiya sii rkaniyan, sabnar a miailay akn so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a tialowan iyan so Alī ago so Fātimah ago so Hassan ago so Hussayn na tiambonan iyan siran sa nditarn na pitharo iyan a: Hay Tuhan ko giai i manga taw ko walay akn na pagawaan ka kiran so marata ago soti anka siran sa samporna a kasoti, na pitharo iyan so A’ishah a: Miakarani ako kiran na pitharo akn a hay Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sakn na pd ko manga taw ko walay nka? Na pitharo iyan a: Sibay ka san ka mataan a matatago ka sa mapia. (Piakambowat o al Hāfidh al Bazzār ago so at Tirmidī). 1185. Pianothol o Muslim ko Sahīh iyan a miakapoon ko Zayd Bin Hibbān a: Lomia- lakaw ako ago so Hussain Bin Subrah ago so Umar Bin Salamah sa somiong kami ko Zayd Bin Arqam [r.a.] na gowani a makaontod kami ron na pitharo on o Hussain a: Sabnar a miakatmo ka sa madakl a mapia, sa miailay nka so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago mian’g ka so Hadīth iyan ago miakithidawa ka a pd iyan ago mizambayang ka ko talikhodan iyan, sa sabnar a miakatmo ka sa mapia a madakl, na panotholi kami nka hay Zayd ko mian’g ka ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w]. Na pitharo iyan a: Hay thngd sabnar a minitolod dn so omor akn ago miathay dn so masa ko sa kialipatan akn so sabaad a mian’g akn ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w], na so maphanothol akn rkano na tarimaa niyo na so di, na di niyo thgln sa ginawa niyo, sa pitharo iyan a: Adn a isa a alongan a tominindg rkami so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa miangosiat sa ranaranaw a maito a aya ipmbtho ron na Khum sa pagltan a Makkah ago gia Madīnah, na biantog iyan so Allāh ago piodi niyan sa miangthoma ago miamando, oriyan iyan na pitharo iyan a: Aya oriyan iyan hay manga manosiya, sakn na taw a magaan dn na khaoma ko a sogo o Kadnan akn na phakatarima ako (ilat ko kapatay) na imbagak akn rkano a dowa a mapnd, a aya paganay ron na so Kitab o Allāh a madadalm on so toroan ago so sindaw, na kowaa niyo so kitab o Allāh ago kpiti niyo skaniyan, sa inipannkat iyan so Kitāb o Allāh ago inipangoyat iyan, oriyan iyan na pitharo iyan a: Go so manga taw ko walay akn phangangalowin ko rkano so Allāh ko manga taw ko walay akn – miakadowa niyan makasoy – na pitharo on o Hussain a antawaa i manga taw ko walay niyan hay Zayd? Ba di so manga karoma niyan na manga taw ko walay niyan? Na pitharo iyan a so manga karoma niyan na pd ko Ahl al Bayt taw ko walay niyan, ogaid na aya taw ko walay niyan na so manga lolot iyan a hiaram kiran so zakat ko oriyan iyan. Na pitharo iyan a anta a siran? na pitharo iyan a: so pamiliya o Alī ago so pamiliya o Aqīl ago so pamiliya o Ja’far ago so pamiliya o Abbās . na pitharo iyan a langonai na hiaram kiran so zakāt ko oriyan iyan? Na tig iyan a oway. (Pianothol i Muslim ko Sahīh iyan). So kapamimikiran san na khatankd a so manga karoma niyan na pd ko Ahl al bayt sabap sankoto a katharo o Allāh, a so ayat a miaaloy a so kiniokit o lapiat iyan na pd siran on, sabap roo na initondog on o Allāh so katharo iyan a: “Go tatadmi niyo so nganin a pmbatiaan ko manga walay niyo a pd sa manga ayat o Allāh ago so Hikmah (so hadīth o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w])”. 1186. Tialasay niyan san so manga pipia a galbk a simba sa da niyan rampatn so babay ko mama ogaid na bials iyan so babay sa datar o kapmbalsa niyan ko mama, ka karina sa so babay na tarotop a makambibisa a adn a kaatawi ron a tarotop sa so kambalasi ron na datar dn o kambalasi ko mama sa da a mbidaan iran ago so siksa iyan na datar o kakhasiksa o mama. Madakl a giitharo sa so kon so manga babay na ibababa o Islām so pankatan iran sa di siran makarrpng ogaid na gianan na tawathawag a pd ko tawathawag o shaytan, sa di patot a pamakin’gn o manga Muslim, ka so Allāh na bnar na langowan a pangitaban iyan na ndodon so kaontol ago so mapia, na so bitikan o manosiya a pianarankoni iyan na lalim a bitikan a da on so kaontol a thito. 1187. Inisapar ko miaratiaya a mama ago babay oba iran kambayabayai so kokoman Allāh ago so sogo’ iyan, sabap sa matatnkd a aya mapia na so piakapia iran apia a aya kapipikira on o manga taw na marata, go aya marata na so piakarata iran mapia aya kapipikira on o manga taw na aya mapia, ka so timbangan ko mapia ago so marata na sii kaphangndodi ko agama kna o ba sii ko kabaya o pizakatawan, ka di khaadn so kaontol ka mbidabida so panaawil o manga taw ago so kagdam iran sa adn a mapia ko isa a marata ko salakaw ron sa datar oto so kaklida on, sabap san na liowas o Allāh so kabnar ko kabtad sa kitab sa tangan o oripn ka o manggolawla oto na khaadn so kapanalimbot ago so kaplalalim ka so manosiya na di phakaliyo ko baya a ginawa niyan na so kapagmbaal iyan sa kitaban a ikhokom ko salakaw ron na aya dn a kalilid na phakaadiadin iyan a ginawa niyan a di so salakaw ron, na so Allāh na da a pagampilan iyan ko kambtad iyan sa kitab ka palaya iyan oripn so manosiya. 1188. Gianan so thotolan ko Zayd a pimbabawata o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa inipangalimo ska niyan o Allāh ko kiatoroa niyan on ko Islām, ago inipangalimo skaniyan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ko kiapmaradikaa niyan on ko oriyan o kaooropni, sa oman iyan iphanon so karoma niyan a Zaynab ko btad iran ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na tharoon on o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a kpiti niyan si karoma niyan. Sa pianginsoyaan skaniyan o Allāh, sa patot a aya minggolalan na so kabaya iyan sa di niyan pangalian so ptharoon o manga taw ko kaphangaromaa niyan ko Zaynab a bitowann o Zayd a pimbabawata iyan, sa katawan oto o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a khaadnan sa mala a pitnah ka phakatoon so manga monafiq sa goang a khaokitan iran ko gii ran kazomana ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa miatoman so pphangalian iyan, ogaid na so kabaya o Allāh na pnggolalan sa da a phakaalang on, sabap ko antap a maporo a so kambatala ko kambabawataa ko wata a isa a taw. Sa gowani a mapangaroma niyan so Zaynab na miaadn so mala a bitiara a taman dn sa imanto na pphakasokhayawn o manga taw sa Sdpan sa kapthokasi ran ko Nabī [s.a.w]. 1189. Tiankd o Qur’ān a so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na Nabī a kna o ba ama o Zayd a pimbabawata iyan, sa so adat o manga Arab ko giikambabawata sa pphakawaris ko mimbabawata on na mapayag a kapanalimbot sabap sa pphakasapari ko bangnsa so di ron pd ago khakowa niyan so tamok sa da a sabap, na inilang oto o Qur’ān sa sabap sa kagia smpad a mangngsb ko kaphagingd o manga Arab na aya dn a bialoy o Allāh a phakabataln iyan on na so dn so da a lawan iyan ko manga kaadn iyan a so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a da pn makaokit sa matag katharo a titayan a kokoman, aya mataan na minggolalan sa koat a galbk ka an da dn a maphamikir on a pd sa pkhaori a alongan, sa mithakna so kiaharam iyan sa dayon sa dayon. 1190. Aya maana o salawat o Allāh na so kipphangalimoon iyan ko manga oripn iyan, so salawat o manga malāikat na so kapphamangni ran ko Allāh sa ipangalimo iyan so manosiya a mapaparatiaya on, sa kalbihan anan ankai a pagtaw a piakalbi ko manga pagtaw a miangaoona sabap ko kala o sangan a mipapatoray kiran ko giikanggalbka ko manga sogoan o Allāh, sa siran i khabaloy a saksi ko manga pagtaw a miangaoona sa alongan a Qiyāmah, na so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na skaniyan i saksi sankai a pagtaw. Ilay anka so ayat a 2:143.Giankai a ummah o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na so manga ulama on na ndadatar o manga Nabi ko mbawataan o Isrāīl, sa miazimalaw o Mūsā a oba bo miapd sankai a ummah o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sabap ko kapakallbi niyan ko manga ummah. 1191. Amay ka so Muslim na mangaroma sa babay oriyan iyan na makawing na da niyan kalawasi na go niyan talaka na da a patoray ko babay a tialak a Iddah (masa a khanayaw niyan so kapopos iyan na go bo mapangaroma a salakaw a mama ) sabap sa so Iddah na aya kinipaliogatn on na siap ko kandangan o babay oba ba dn adn a miatago on a ikaogat ko kiapakazolda o kharomai, na amay ka da niyan kasoldi na da a patoray a Iddah, ka miada so phangalian. 1192. So Iddah na skaniyan so masa a mattndo a phakanayaw ron so babay a tialak odi na miabalo a di khapakay oba pakipangaroma, so babay a tialak o karoma niyan a kna o ba maogat na aya iddah iyan na tlo olan gioto a amay ka thiaphkan odi na di khaoma a basa (rogo) amay pman ka phrogoan na sii ko oriyan o makatlo makayl, amay pman ka maogat na sa kapakambawata iyan, amay ka miabalo sa miatay so karoma niyan na pat olan ago sapolo gawii, amay ka skaniyan na maogat na aya khakowa na so mawatan ko dowa a masa, maana a o mapopos so pat olan ago sapolo gawii na da pn makambawata na khanayaw a makambawata gianan i kpit o Alī Bin Abī Tālib, ogaid na so Umar na aya kpit iyan na anda dn i kapakambawata iyan, sa da niyan kowaa so mawatan ko dowa a masa a so pikhpitan o Ali, sabap ko lapiat o ayat ko Qur’ān. Gianan so karoma a babay a kialawasan o karoma niyan amay pman ka da niyan kalawasi na da a Iddah iyan. 1193. Piakay ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] a kapangaroma niyan sa kalawanan so pat kataw a babay ko satiman a masa, sa sii rka niyan bo oto a kokoman a di khapakay ko salakaw ron a mama, ogaid na adn a manga sankot a inadn o Allāh ko kaphangaroma niyan, sii ko miaona a ayat na inaloy niyan a aya bo a maphangaroma niyan ko manga dadazg iyan a manga babay na so tomiogalin a pd iyan na so da togalin a pd iyan sa Madinah na di niyan maphangaroma, go so manga karoma niyan na di niyan siran khasambian sa salakaw a babay a mapia a taw so bo so oripn a miataban sa kathidawa i khapakay a pangaromaan iyan, sa miataman roo so manga karoma niyan gioto so inaloy o ayat a 52, sa kababaan. Na so Muslim a tatamanan sa pat kataw a babay ko satiman a masa a maphangaroma niyan na da dn tamani so kadakl a maphangaroma niyan ko oman kalbatan ankoto a pat kataw a babay sa apia i kadakl a mapangaroma niyan na khapakay asar ka di kalawanan so pat kataw a baby ko satiman a masa, samanan na adn a inibgay rkitano o Allāh a kaloag ko kapangaroma a da niyan bgan ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ka katatamanan so kadakl o karoma niyan na ski tano a manga ummat iyan na kabbgan tano sa maolad a kapaar ko kadakl a maphangaroma tano asar ka di kalawanan so pat kataw ko satiman a masa, sa gianan na patot a ipanalamat tano anan ko Kadnan tano a Rabbul Ālamīn. 1194. Gianan so kambilangataw ko kasold ko walay o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa aya patot na pagadatan sa aya bo a kapzold on na igira tiawag iyan siran ko kakan sa di siran on magthay ago di siran on nomayaw, ka phakaringasa oto ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago so pamiliya niyan, a skaniyan na di niyan kiran kharawan tahro ankoto, na so Allāh na aya kiran mbgay sa atoran a daa ikhaya iyan a kaadn iyan. 1195. Gianan so kinisogoon o Qur’ān ko kaprnding (rantam) o manga karoma o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago rabray ko manga Mu’minah a manga babay a aya mapia na di siran mabibinayar sa kasasapngan siran ko kailay o manga mama a haros sa adat kiran ago slasla. 1196. Inisogo o Allāh so kapzalawati ko Nabī tano a Mohammad [s.a.w] aya maana niyan na so kipphamangnin tano ron sa kapipia ginawa ago kapakaslang sa maliwanag ka miaro- masay skaniyan sa pantag ko kamapiaan tano ago pzalawatan skaniyan o Allāh ago so manga malāikat iyan, aya salawat o Allāh ko Nabī na so kapmbantoga niyan on sii ko manga malāikat iyan, na aya salawat o malāikat sii rkaniyan na so kipphamangnin iran on sa mapia, sa dn sa taw a pzalawatan iyan so Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] na mapmbagian iyan so sapaat o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] sa alongan a maori, ago pkhasmbag skaniyan o Rasūlullāh [s.a.w]. 1197. Giankoto a inaloy roo a adn a manga sakit ko poso’ iyan a aya kalalayaman na sii oto ipzipat ko monafiq, na sii sankai a ayat na siipakapanonompanga ko manga baraszina a manga mama. Gioto o tindg on Ikrimah. 1198. Gianan so manga monafiq a aya dn a pizadatan iran a akal na so kaphringasaa iran ko manga Muslim, sa gii ran kaploba sa manga okit a gii ran mipamaganta ko Rasūlullāh [s.a.w] ago so manga pamiliya niyan. Sa kiararangitan siran o Allāh ago piayag iyan so manga pagns iran. Ago piakitokawan iyan a adn a phakaoma kiran a siksa ko doniya na samporna ko alongan a Qiyāmah. 1199. Sii ko katalonton iran ko siksa na oman i isa na phloba sa daawa niyan ko da niyan kabaloy a miaratiaya, na di dn oto phakanggay a gona sa alongan oto, ka masa oto a di siran phangniyan sa kapanawbat iran, ka gioto so gawii a kakhowaa iran ko manga balas iran ko nganin a pinggalbk iran ko doniya. 1200. So manga Isrāīl na phringasaan iran so Mūsā sa manga katharo a di bnar a pitharo iran a skaniyan na pphanggaln so kobal iyan sabap sa kagia skaniyan na sasapngan iyan so Awrat iyan sa di plkas, sankoto a masa a so Isrāīl na minitabolog siran ko kandarowaka. a miakaisa a alongan a miphaygo skaniyan na liamd o ator so nditarn iyan na gii niyan pamasaln a tonkat so ator, na kiasawaan so lawas iyan sa miailay a kna o ba pphanggala, ka tanto a mapia i kambobolawasan na kiagn’kan iran zoman sa kapamaganta. 1201. Gianan so manhaj (sosonan a pagokitan) a da dn pangrawa o langit ago so lopa a ago so manga palaw na inraw skaniyan o manosiya a gioto mambo i sabap a skaniyan i miapnto a phangondato ko lopa (khilāfah) sa kaphakatindga niyan on ko kadato o Allāh, sa inawidan iyan so paliogat a madadalm ko inisogo ago so inisapar o agama sa mimbaloy skaniyan a pnggolalanan o paliogat sa piakambayabaya skaniyan ka kagia aya patot a pnggolalanan o sogoan ago so lalangan na so taw a makambabayabaya a khapakay a somopak, ka aya maana o kasogo na so kapangni anka ko kitalingomaan ko galbk a khapakay a di niyan italingoma, sa datar oto mambo so kasapar a aya inisapar na so khapakay a italingoma o siaparan, sa amay ka di niyan khagaga na di khapakay o ba on, makambowat so kasapar, aya ibarat iyan na di khapakay o ba nka tharoa ko bota a di nka pagilaya so nganin sabap sa di niyan bo khailay ka bota na so kiasapari nka on na da a bali niyan ka da a kiatanaan iyan, datar oto mambo a o tharo anka on a ilay anka so toladan a di niyan bo khailay ka bota, ino piakambowat o Allāh so kasogo ka kagia khapakay a di niyan nggalbkn, sa di khapakay a tharoon ko taw a tomitindg a tindg ka, sii oto phanompang ko taw a kna o ba tomitindg, ogaid a o makambowat ankoto a sogoan na aya maana iyan na tatap ka dn ko katitindg ka kagia andang a maadn so galbk a katitindg, sa aya maana o kasogo na so kapangniya ko nganin a maada a khapakay a nggolawlaan o siogo, na aya maana o kasapar na so kapangniya ko kitaplkn ko nganin a giinggalbkn o taw a khapakay a di niyan itaplk. Sa gianan i madadalm ko ptharoon a Manhaj (sosonan) a gioto i piangraw o manosiya sa mimbaloy skaniyan a Khalīfah ko lopa sa langowan a nganin na inipananding rkaniyan sa pantag sa an iyan minggolalan ankoto a manhaj a piangraw niyan sa da dn a ba niyan khidaawa o ino niyan da matonay so piangraw niyan a da pangrawa o salakaw a kaadn. |